
My thoughts as a new player

After completely ignoring this game since launch I finally decided to give it a shot starting a week ago, and I’ve been playing it nonstop all week.

I love sand box exploration games, space, sci-fi, and customization. Although there is somewhat shallowness in certain aspects, this game hits all of those fairly well and the story and mystery is a nice cherry on top. Going from system to system, planet to planet… It can get a little repetitive. But repetition isn’t bad. Repetition is normal. Every game is repetitive. I kind of see this game like Warframe but better and way less grindy and way more freedom. This is probably the first “casual” game that I’ve seriously gotten into besides Minecraft and it’s refreshing to say the least.

I’m wondering how this game has or will effect the production of other games and how far they will go in the future because to me this game seems like the tip of the iceberg when it comes to procedural generation. I can only imagine what’s in store for the future of exploratory gaming and other implementation of this kind of design.

There is definitely one thing that is missing from this game, and I guess I’m beating a dead horse here but this game needs ship customization or even creation. It could be an extra thing to seek out materials for, more blueprints, recipes and an addition to the market. Customization is simple. And if you don’t want it then you could just flat out ignore the aspect. Purely aesthetic. It sure would be a great community enhancement for personalization.

submitted by /u/notatravelagent
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It was time to move on

It was time to move on

Most of my exploration has been around these clusters of systems because I was just having too much fun to go anywhere else.

I’ve been playing off and on for years. I loved the game when it first came out, and love it even more now. I loved it so much, I didn’t need a purpose, just that sandbox to play in.

Never done the Atlas Quest (started it, back in the early days, then abandoned it). Never been to the center of the galaxy. Traveled through one black hole, but so long ago that I don’t even remember when it was. More recently, made it through Artemis but not Patterns in Time before abandoning that, too. Because I didn’t want structure. I just wanted that sandbox.

I’ve spent hundreds of game hours exploring the same region of space–sometimes making jumps of a hundred light years or less. Just a small fraction of those planets are shown above.

In that time I’ve built bases, finally acquired a freighter, maxed out ships, freighter, frigates, maxed out units, obtained more nanites than I can possibly spend, played with just about every glitch and exploit I could find just for the heck of it, explored under water, experimented with exocraft, died dozens of times (blown myself up with stray clicks for over half of those), hopped through portals, hunted ships and multitools, raided derelicts, gotten a living ship, and pretty much explored every aspect of the game I could find. Almost all of it while criss-crossing this same region of space.

My bucket list is huuuuge, having grown and grown with each release. Most of it has been checked off. There are still a few items left on it, but for the first time since I started the game back in 2016? I finally am feeling the itch to go somewhere.

So I am heading in. I’m going to take my time, but I am Eissentam bound.

See you on the other side.

submitted by /u/SkySchemer
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It's okay to not like 4.0.

I’m not usually one to write down my grievances with video games, but the release of 4.0 was so disappointing I feel I need to get up on my soapbox and give my opinion, especially since others are telling those of us against the 4.0 update that how we feel is an overreaction.

I installed NMS when it was added to game pass, and since then I’ve gotten 500+ hours under my belt as an interloper. I’ve learned the ins and outs of this game. I’ve hunted for my perfect ship, spent hours reloading for an elusive S-Class freighter, and figured out adjacency bonuses to really unlock my gear’s full potential. Every update I’ve played has had me singing praise for NMS, and 4.0 sounded like it would be no different. It promised a streamlined UI, higher level caps, and major QoL changes. After playing it I feel lied to. 4.0 did not feel like the step forward it was supposed to be. Instead, it was more like three big steps back.

The new inventory system completely ruined the gear I spent so long finding, leveling, and perfecting. Over 2/3 of my tech upgrades were removed from my gear, upgrades I spent hours hunting for down in the depths of derelict freighters and across the galaxies space stations were rendered completely useless. I’ve seen people saying that we didn’t need our maxed out gear, and that this change wasn’t a big deal, and maybe they’re partly right. We didn’t need maxed gear, but we wanted it, so we put in the extra time and effort to level up our gear and perfect it and make it ours. Now it’s all gone, and the time and effort we spent is wasted.

To add insult to injury, the new UI makes it harder to try and salvage what I can from my equipment. It feels like a total downgrade from the legacy UI. The inventory tabs were cleaner, felt much better to use, and moving stuff around in them was efficient and easy. The new one-page inventory feels claustrophobic, and the page scrolls too fast on console to move anything around effectively. It’s been a pain in the ass to try and fix my stuff with this new “streamlined” UI, and I’m wishing I could switch it back.

This update broke my heart. I’ve loved playing this game, exploring its vast galaxies on my quest through the cosmos and leaving my small mark on the wonderful worlds I’ve visited, but I feel like I cant play the game in its current state. I sincerely hope Hello Games will do what they can to try and fix this, and in the future think about both new and old players when making updates.

As a final word, if you aren’t happy with 4.0, please don’t use it as an excuse to be rude to or harass the NMS devs. If you are messaging them, remember that they are real people with real feelings. With that being said, I’m done here.

Phoenix out.

submitted by /u/BluePhoenix3579
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Viva S-cLas Vegas-How do I share this location?

Viva S-cLas Vegas-How do I share this location?

So I thought I read that screenshots has the planet coordinates in them. I don’t have the portals unlocked on this playthru yet, but this trading post is amazing!

I was fishing it a little today, only buying shops if they were S+Class, then scrapping them for storage augmentation. Then the ship in the lower left rolls in, a cool looking little number. In the time it took me to transfer from my previous ship, scrap the older one and come back, there were 2 more S-class ships. I bought those, and before I could trade one in, another S landed. I waited maybe 20 seconds more, and there was another. In the space of 5 minutes, I bought all of the shops on the right, and while scrapping them and flying back and forth to the space station, I came across 3 more.

$35 million got me 16 storage sugmentation units and about 20 S-Class modules in about 45 minutes.

submitted by /u/MikeyW1969
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Question to "Collected Knowledge"

Sorry for the repost of this question, but nobody answered so far. Maybe because nobody could help, or the question went down to fast thru the week in the sub. Hopefully during the weekend are more travelers online here and could help please!

Hello travelers. I’m trying to access all the stories I’ve learned in the “Collected Knowledge” section under “Catalogue & Guides” in my oldest game save. Unfortunately, it’s not entirely clear to me where I might be missing points and I’m hoping for your support. Yes, I know there are a lot of submenus there. In an older post here in the forum, I read that you have supposedly completed a category when “three dots” are displayed at the end of a submenu. So far so good. I don’t know whether this really applies to every submenu. Can anybody confirm this? I’ve been playing this save for about 4k hours now and still playing.Long before the “Catalogue & Guides” category was integrated into the game. In a few submenus, such as “Atlas Interface”, I have definitely played through the game story, but I don’t see three dots at the end in the catalog story. Maybe it’s a bug since it’s an old saved game, maybe not. So far I can’t find three dots in the submenus for the “Planetary Archive” entries at Gek’s, Vy’keen and Korvax. With “Ancient Plaque” it does. And I have visited countless archives. Likewise in the “other history” menu under “derelict freighter”. No three dots, if they are shown at the end and i visited countless derelict freighter and collected crew board and captains log. Could someone please tell me if there are three dots in his “Planetary Archive” submenu and if so, how many story entries he has there? The same question goes into the “Derelict Freighter” section. I hope for your support. Safe travels to all.

submitted by /u/Tijscher
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Freighter Spawn Help

I know you need to have 3 in game hours and jump 5x to trigger a space battle. (I have 76hrs) Why won’t one spawn? What are the pre requisites? (E.g. active missions/inactive missions/bugs) I can’t get one to spawn at all. I don’t know what I’m doing…

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