NMS HOT POST 2022/09/10

Nice moment thanks to NMS.

I have an autistic, not very verbal daughter. She’s 9 and I’ve still never had an actual convo. with her longer than 4-5 words at a time, with us coaching her along with what to say.

Last night I was sitting at my desk, playing NMS. Nothing exciting, just working on my gravatino orb farm. My daughter walked up and said:

“Can I watch spaceman please.”

I was like.. “😳… err.. sure, have a seat.”

So she sat on my lap and was just watching me walk around my base. I went into one of my modular hallways and she said “he’s walking… he’s in the hallways… where is he going.”

I exited, hit my jetpack to go up to my landing pad on the roof and she verbalized that the spaceman was jumping, then when I got into my fighter. “He’s flying’da ship”

Shot up to the local star port, landed, and jumped up to where the NPC Gek are walking around with their datapads.

She started telling the ‘frogs’ to watch out, and get out of the way.

That was pretty damned nice. It was definitely worth the $60 lol 🙂

submitted by /u/Derkastan77
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


What are your stats for your main ship /multi-tool?

What are your stats for your main ship /multi-tool?

I’m curious as to what other peoples stats are for their ship and multi-tool and how it compares to my own. I can’t actually tell if mine are average/good/bad lol. I’m not really sure how else to improve them as any more upgrades I add overloads the circuits, so other than finding better upgrade packages I’m at a stand still (other than to upgrade my multitool class for the extra supercharge slot). Plus I’m kind of nosy what other people do for their ships and weapons.

submitted by /u/vanillaxbean1
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Is there any reason to make a ship with more than 800 ly hyperdrive range?

I spent a little time, built my first S-class explorer, set it up for max. hyperdrive range ending up at 1400 ly with upgrades… but the map doesn’t want to let me warp more than four jumps at a time, and one jump is typically 200 ly.

Have I overdone it? Would it make sense to just re-collect the parts (they’re nothing special, just arclight wings) and get something with the other stats a little higher?

submitted by /u/mjfgates
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Looking to get sandworm as a pet

Hi! Just like the title says, I am looking for a sandworm to tame. I am aware that having a pet sandworm was made possible through a quest, and I’m wondering if anyone has a spare sandworm egg they’d be willing to part with (if that is a thing since I have no idea if your pet sandworm can have gestation induced). I’d be happy to compensate you for it – I can offer valuable in-game items in exchange.
Thank you!

submitted by /u/ianajhn
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Freighter Spawn Help

I know you need to have 3 in game hours and jump 5x to trigger a space battle. (I have 76hrs) Why won’t one spawn? What are the pre requisites? (E.g. active missions/inactive missions/bugs) I can’t get one to spawn at all. I don’t know what I’m doing…

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