NMS HOT POST 2024/01/6

Explain inventory management to me like I’m 5…

So I’m like 15 hours in and I’m completely hooked 😅 This game is so zen and relaxing – I’m loving it.

That said, I’m struggling a little with inventory mngt… I’ve managed to add quite a few slots to my suit and I just got a freighter so I added some storage there…

But now I have all my junk scattered across: 1) my suit 2) my ship 3) my freighter cargo 4) my freighter storage room 5) a storage unit at my base

So I’m finding it hard to manage and keep track of 😅

How do you manage your inventory? Any tips to make it easier? Or system you’ve found? Any tech/upgrades I’m missing to make it easier? E.g. I got a small teleporter tech unit for my ship that lets me move stuff there remotely which seems to help.

I also just emptied my storage at my base (base is a stretch, I did the minimum to complete the base building missions so have little attachment to it) and moved it all to my freighter, so my plan is to start managing all my inventory from there going forward and treat my freighter as my main base… is that a good plan? Thanks 😊

submitted by /u/Infinite-Dot-9885
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


What's the point of money in this game?

I’m mostly an explorer. I’ve played for around 100 hours, and have about 80m units that I’ve just ended up with over the course of casual play and feel like that’s more than I could ever need. I see people talking about making farms and factories to make all this ridiculous amount of money and I feel like I’m missing something really obvious, because all I can wonder is – why? Other than ships, what is there to purchase? Is there a use for crafting other than just making an end product to sell for more units?

submitted by /u/donoteatshrimp
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Best income early game?

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I've only hopped galaxies once. Does one to recollect glyphs?

A few years ago I finished a few of the storylines (I’m pretty sure that Atlas and I came to an agreement) and I ended up with all 16 glyphs then. I travelled to the 2nd galaxy, found my ship, then logged off. Haven’t been back to that save since. If I logged in would I have to get 16 new glyphs? Like, I think the symbols are all the same but would I have to collect them again?

submitted by /u/dotplaid
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