NMS HOT POST 2024/03/24

What is the fastest planetary speed possible?

What is the fastest planetary speed possible?

I've reached 900 with

  • S class interceptor with a square supercharged slot
  • 8 phase engine modules
  • power diverted to engines
  • boost active


Asking to see if I am near a reasonable maximum, or if someone was legitimately able to get much higher.

Seems the base speed of my interceptor is 148, not sure if that is per ship type or is random.

submitted by /u/SkyHiRider
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Do you role-play?

I’ve been role-playing as, basically what we are, a cartographer/curator but I’ve begun using my extreme rudimentary design and build skills to create little “temples” on certain planets.

As a cartographer of sorts I’ve also been renaming planets and systems to reflect their qualities but have been using Google Translate to name then in Greek, Latin, German, or Esparanto.

My settlement is a small group of believers/worshippers that sprung up around one of these temples which helps keep me motivated to stay involved in its operation.

Im what ways do you like to keep this game fresh?

submitted by /u/PriestEntity
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Galaxies, hopped.

It is finished. I can’t remember when I started, but Galaxy 128 was 6 months ago. I arrived in Galaxy 255 last night, dropping a base computer in each one behind me. Solo. Mission accomplished. I’ll make my way to Galaxy 256 after a break.

I’m sure it can be done faster but managing a job and a relationship has a pesky way of getting in the way of an endeavor like this.

99% of my bases are in 3 star economy, Yellow star systems. Either Paradise planets (no predators) or empty/dead planets. All my bases are next to Portals for easy access to any part of any Galaxy if ya got the Glyphs.

Props to my broken multi-tool, my Living Ship, and the Endurance update with the planetary scanner. Absolute gold. It really sped up the last 50 or so hops.

I’m settling down in Galaxy 250. Willing to transport anyone who has a specific Galaxy in mind.

Have fun interlopers.

submitted by /u/fnordskiddoo
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Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

This weekly thread is to help keep bug reports manageable. It is a scheduled weekly thread and not related to any specific release. You do not have to repost bugs to this post if you have already reported them on a previous post.

If you’re requested to send your save file to Hello Games see this post

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Can I create a custom squadron from ships I would be scrapping otherwise?

So here’s what I was thinking. You can hire an NPC to your squadron from any space station for example, right? Now what happens if BEFORE hiring them I buy their ship by swapping it with one of my ships that I would be scrapping otherwise? Will I get THAT ship to join my squadron?

Obviously it depends on the pilot too how well they will do in a fight, but this way I could have a squadron made up of Living Ships or fully equipped Sentinel Interceptors, right? Or, in theory I can claim the Starborn Runner as many times as I want if I’ve finished the expedition, can I just keep selling a Starborn Runner by swapping with them AND hire said pilot equipped with the Starborn Runner now? Can I have a full squadron of them?

I’ll test this out soon with a sentinel that I’d scrap otherwise and get back to you, but if this works I think it is huge, so much potential to create an amazing fight squadron this way!

submitted by /u/Sn00PiG
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