NMS HOT POST 2024/04/4

New traveler (30 hours in) juuuuust starting to understand the core loop of the game

New traveler (30 hours in) juuuuust starting to understand the core loop of the game

First off the game is gorgeous, so I included some screenshots to show some appreciation.

Anyways, I’m starting to getting the hang of what I’m supposed to be doing, so now I just have some questions about some of the deeper parts of the game.

For example, what does increasing your rank/favor with each race accomplish?

I keep my inventory stashed with my basic materials (ferrite, carbon, oxygen, sodium ect.), but what are some other random, more exotic items I should keep an eye out for that might not be useful now, but will be later?

Extension of the 2nd question, what are some key things you keep in your inventory at all times you’d suggest to others?

What sort of things should I be prioritizing? For example, I just got a freighter ship with my first frigate expedition underway, bought a 2nd frigate as well, then soon after I became the overseer of a new settlement. My question being: they both provide money/materials, but which is more efficient? Are their other options I’m not considering?

My last question here is are there any hidden mechanics/strategies that you wish you knew sooner? Maybe things the game doesn’t tell you, but you learn to utilize to your advantage?

Loving the game so far, and appreciate the help.

submitted by /u/Select-Credit-7281
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


First time player and I was gifted millions on the anomaly by a stranger.

So I’m a first time player and I’m maybe 15 hours in. IV scrapped a couple ships, got 10 mil units and maybe 2,000 nanites. I’m doing okay for someone who isnt focusing on making loads yet. I visit the anomaly to speak with NADA . And when I come out of the chat I go into my inventory then when I come out I get a bunch of notifications top right about things I had received. I missed most of them but I caught one. A stack of multi tool upgrade slots.

After looking I realise I have been gifted scrap worth 600,000,000…a stack of exo suit slot upgrades, multi tool upgrades, a stack of like sentinel crash locations or whatever they are.(the ones you can fix the cockpit to fit a person I think) A couple creature eggs, one a programmed robotic one made for industrial stuff ( no idea yet, I’m not that far) and some other stuff I can’t think of right now. They literally filled my inventory with stuff. Which unfortunately was small and mostly full but still!!!

Who ever you are ||DAMO|| I thank you.

What a great community this game must have!!!!

[EDIT] — the other eggs where a stack of void eggs 🤷🏼‍♂️ whatever that is!

submitted by /u/Rage922001
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続きを読む シェア

From space pirate to accidental billionaire: the expedition bug gave me 4 billions of units

Today, I was wrapping up an expedition and transitioning back to my main save when I encountered something quite funny during the tally of my achievements and the calculation of my earned currency. Here’s the thing: while waiting for the completion of the fifth stage of the expedition, I engaged in piracy, looting a significant number of Gek ships. My relationship with the Geks plummeted to around -500. When it came to calculating achievements, there was a section for relations with alien races, and in this section, my currency earnings took a massive hit due to my poor relations. It turned out that I had earned a total of -1 unit of currency.

I was a bit disheartened and surprised to find that accumulating bad reputation is penalized by the game. However, when I transitioned back to my main save, a surprise awaited me – since I had earned -1 unit, it seems there was an overflow in the game’s unsigned int variable, and I ended up with 4,294,967,295 units in my main save. It was a hilariously unexpected turn of events.

submitted by /u/ijwfly
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