NMS HOT POST 2019/04/1

"We are excited for that moment when millions of players will suddenly update and be able to set foot on their home planets and explore the intricate bases they have built in virtual reality for the first time." – I’m ready, Sean, I’m ready (see comments for more). ✌️



Came back to game recently and started new save.

Attempting to get myself my first free freighter.

Forgot how to guarantee S class on first go around so looked up lots of videos and posts (all more than 6mo old, cant find any recent)

I have now wasted 9 hours trying to get this too work the way I have seen others. HAS IT CHANGED?

Here is what I’ve been doing:
1. After 3hr in game + 4 Jumps I save a station
2. Make my hyper jump to different systems looking for the right freighter.
3. Once found, I head to space station and do quick restore point
4. After I fly back out, the freighter is gone and has been replaced with new smaller, unwanted freighter…. and now I must do step 1 over again

As I’ve stated. I have done this 3 times (9+ hours). Can someone please update me on what has changed so I can stop wasting time?

submitted by /u/NAYTENDOX
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