
Do you role-play?

I’ve been role-playing as, basically what we are, a cartographer/curator but I’ve begun using my extreme rudimentary design and build skills to create little “temples” on certain planets.

As a cartographer of sorts I’ve also been renaming planets and systems to reflect their qualities but have been using Google Translate to name then in Greek, Latin, German, or Esparanto.

My settlement is a small group of believers/worshippers that sprung up around one of these temples which helps keep me motivated to stay involved in its operation.

Im what ways do you like to keep this game fresh?

submitted by /u/PriestEntity
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KJ Industries, Inc. - Prometheus

KJ Industries, Inc. - Prometheus

(Euclid) 3 levels. Top – Bridge, captain’s lounge, captain’s quarters. Mid – landing bay, crew lounge, crew quarters, laboratory, broadside canon’s (they work, firing controls on the bridge. Projectiles hit the egg in the distance, zoom in after firing to see), mechanical bay containing AI core, fuel cores, reactor control room with viewing port to reactor (door is closed in picture. Must see in person for the full effect). Bottom – shooting range, forward nose canon’s, refiner room, exocraft garage and launch door. 2 escape pods, one top, one mid.

Just under 3000 parts. I can’t capture it all, you’ll have to come visit.

submitted by /u/KlDJ0K3R
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