
It's time for Companions to get an update

Really hope that Sean/the dev team see this.

I love the idea of Companions, but they desperately need a TLC pass to be better. Here are a few ideas that hopefully would be kind of easy to implement:

  1. MORE SLOTS – when you include the recent Twitch drops and the last 2 Expeditions, we’ve been given more Companions than we have slots for, and that doesn’t even allow for any that we may have “found” during exploration. We really need more slots – at least 12, if not maybe 24?
  2. AUTO SUMMON – I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been playing for an hour or two before I remember “Oh yeah, I got a cool pet the other day” and go summon it. I should be able to set a default/primary pet (and change it easily) that automatically pops out whenever I’m in a situation that supports it.
  3. FUNCTIONAL GEAR – Many of the attachments or whatever look really cool, and their names/descriptions suggest that they could be really handy. Unfortunately, they’re completely non-functional, which is a complete waste.
  4. BUILDABLE ENCLOSURES – It would be awesome if there was a new building part(s) that allowed me to build various enclosures for my pets. Functionally this would be similar to the existing specialist stations. I’d love to be able to have a zoo or menagerie on either a planetary base or my freighter. I could stock these up with pellets maybe for an auto-feed, and they could also serve as a breeding chamber.
    1. BONUS #1 – even better if there were different variants of this for the different types of pets
    2. BONUS #2 – would be handy if I could also unlock and construct an egg sequencer on my base
  5. SIMPLE GAMES – can I please, for the love of Atlas, just play fetch with my Diplo?

submitted by /u/DruVatier
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Will they/do they repeat older expeditions again?

Played NMS when it first came out, wasn’t impressed given the hype, dripped in and out, blah blah blah,

Only to dive headlong into the game last year while recovering from a partial tear of the ol achilles tendon.

The grind was real, toally worth it, and I’m reaping the rewards, but gosh darn it, I would LOVE to get my hands on some of the past expedition loot.

submitted by /u/Mukables
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