NMS HOT POST 2021/10/26

Futi House on the gorgeous Planet Futi. Amazing at night, no storms or sentinels and has some very deep oceans. Experimental build using previous gen techniques that are now irrelevant, so I figured I’d share. I hope you enjoy. You are welcome to visit and build.


I didn't know I needed this game

For real, I am having such a blast playing NMS. I bought the game 3 days ago and already have more than 12 hours of playtime!

I usually have my troubles with exploration games, but wow, NMS feels completely different. Playing in my own pace and just slowly but steady learning new stuff feels so awesome and I can’t wait to build my first real base one day – when I unlocked the necessary blueprints haha

I also installed a bunch of mods that even more diversify the terrain generation and skycolors, it’s just so awesome.

Sorry for this nonesense post but I just felt like sharing this because I have so much fun playing it.

submitted by /u/fb_noize
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Do-it-yourself new character challenges

As much as I like cruising around the galaxy with my fully kitted-out main character, I really like the beginning stages of the game. I guess it was partly because of doing the achievements and expeditions, but I got addicted to the first few days of game time when your resources and abilities are limited, and I tend to start new characters and level them until I got bored and delete them.

But lately I’ve been setting challenges for myself. It started simple; get to an S-class multitool, ship, and freigter. Okay, that was fun. Full explorer run, maxing out the Explorer’s Guild rep? Cool.

So then I started getting a little more elaborate.

Neural Assembly
You are a stranded alien life form who’s managed to weld themselves to a robotic body, and you’re desperate to re-connect to your people. Put the Ares head on an Autophage body and get to the living ship as fast as possible.

Octopus’ Garden
You are a grumpy octopoid being who just wants to be left alone to make things and get wealthy. Build a base that includes a fully functional production line making fusion ignitors and stasis cores, deep underwater. Wear the Iteration: Gemini head. Use the bubble trail.

My next one’s going to be fun.

Rebel Scum
You are a robot, and that makes you mad. Full-on Autophage run. Get a sentinel S-class ship, an S-class autophage staff or sentinel weapon, and a pirate frigate. Make a seriously badass autophage getup. Max out pirate reputation.

Does anyone else do these little self-created kind-of story-like expeditions? Any other suggestions?

submitted by /u/MrVisible
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