
As someone passionate of space games and who played most space games out there (minus Star Citizen, ...

Good lord this one is the best out there. The feeling of discovery, always something new around the corner, the freedom of being who you wanna be, so much to explore, to see, breath taking views, etc. Its just awesome. Ever since Hello Games did NMS right and actually gave it the promised features, I’ve been hooked. After a bad day at work, I just log in and enjoy the atmosphere, the beautiful planet landscapes and you know….it just goes away. Its peaceful, awesome and I can revel in its beauty. I might not be the most min maxing player out there (because I feel this game doesn’t need that level of optimization but to each his own) but you know….this game helps. When I feel down, its beauty and the feeling it inspires always do good. Just my 2 cents.

submitted by /u/YouEnragedTheBubba
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The deck of cards I created for NMS got printed ! Tell me what you guys think ! It took months but n...

The deck of cards I created for NMS got printed ! Tell me what you guys think ! It took months but now I sent a deck to hello games, I can say this project is complete

(deleted the original due to a mistake) It’s a deck of Tarot cards that I’ve worked on for the past few months, I’m not really a spiritual type of guy, so playing games was all I ever used Tarot for, but I always found the images and meaning on the divination tarot interesting, and I wanted to make a deck for NMS using it’s lore, like what they did with Cyberpunk2077

I printed two and sent one to Hello Games, hope they’ll like it. Would love to make more but there’s no such plan for now

submitted by /u/RagBell
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I have to admit I am kind of amazed at some of the reaction to the 4.0 update especially from those ...

I get why some players may not care for some of the changes, but honestly, I’m not even sure why are even that upset in the first place since we all know that hello game will quickly start making changes to 4.0 based on player feedback just like they have done with every single major update they have released.

Heck, they even brought back the ramps for the freighters when players complained about it being removed from the endurance update and I have no doubt that in the coming days that will also make changes to Waypoint just as they have done with every other update that has come before it

Look on the bright side, at least people can still actually play the game because I remember when the beyond update came out and the game literally started crashing every time I would try to play it. I was not able to play the game for days, so thankfully at least for me WAYPOINT is not having those kinds of Major issues so far

submitted by /u/Sharks11
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Update on the shitty tattoo

Original tattoo post

So I left a review of the tattoo shop and messaged the artist, and he’s gonna give me a full refund and the owner of the shop (not the original artist) has offered to fix the linework for free, however as clearly I can’t judge tattoo artists well enough should I go to her to get it fixed or try and find somewhere completely different? Her @ on insta is betty_banzai (but please for the love of god don’t message or harass her or anyone else from the shop, it’s just 1 bad tattoo and it’s not that deep)

(also apologies if this post doesn’t belong here, if so I will take it down – it was just gonna be a comment on the original post but it would’ve been buried)

submitted by /u/u_have_the_gay
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NMS Megathread for Q&A, Item Requests/Giveaways and Friend Requests, etc. Whatever you need, thi...

Hey Everyone,

This is a Megathread for all the people of the sub. If you have questions, Ask away. If you need anything just ask. This is uniform thread where you can ask for pretty much anything (from Questions to Nip Nip) that will be live 24/7 all year around and refreshed every couple of days.

This Megathread is closely monitored by me so if you have a question that no one has answered, don’t worry I will personally get back to you in a reasonable time. I will always be keeping a close eye so no naughty business please.

To make things little bit easier if you could help us make distinction between type of posts that would be great, Which brings us too ….


– *Do not put bug reports in this thread.* There is a Bug-Thread pinned to the top of the sub that should be used for them.

– If you are asking a questions please post your question like so : [Question] …. Your Post ….

– If you are requesting something an item, money, etc. please post like so : [Request] …. Your post ….

– If you are offering an item of doing a giveaways (in game items only), user: [Giveaway] …. Your post ….

– Please do not post your friend code in your post. PM/DM them to the person who is helping you. It will prevent people trolling and griefing your saves.

Helpful Links:

– If you need a specific ship, Multitool, Freighter, Frigates or anything a specific color or kind please check out our friends at r/NMSGlyphExchange. They also have a variety of different guides from Freighters to Multitool so if you need help with acquiring something, head right on over there.

– If you are looking for a ride to Anywhere in NMS, Please reach out to our friends at Pangalactic Starcabs, Pangalactic Starcabs is a Volunteer Service, Cabbie Availability may vary!

– If you are Looking for all 16 glyphs on one planet, You can find them in this Guide

And as always, please be civil, be kind and be helpful.

Please Follow all the Sub and Post rules and Thank you all so much!

submitted by /u/Minetitan
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