NMS HOT POST 2022/04/15

Outlaws more annoying and frustrating than it is fun.

I know im going to get a lot of hate from this but i just got to say it.

I have been a NMS player since day 1 and am a huge fan of the game. However this Outlaws release has rubed me the wrong way.

NMS has been a chill and relaxing game for me where i would have a relaxing time building artwork bases for the HUB community and exploring.

what NMS has become now is a constant and annoying barrage of Hostile vectoring pirate ships bombing me while im out on planet, or a constant stream of in flight pirate attacks. i timed this too litterally every 4 to 8 minutes some pirate is attacking.

i know alot of people enjoy FPS and all the combat but to some of us its not really that fun.

there is alot of good in this release though the solar ships are cool and noticed some different planet details.

It would be very appreciated if there was an option to turn off the pirates or make a "peacefull" mode or at lease tone it down a bit.

Some other things that would be great improvements, more building pieces and parts, and better part snapping and alignment options.

Dont get me wrong i love this game, the only thing i do not like is the Frequency of the Pirate attacks. its just too much.

submitted by /u/KorvaxExplorer
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit



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