NMS HOT POST 2022/06/21

Need glyphs? Here are 16 Travellers you can talk to, all in close proximity to one another. You will need a functioning hyperdrive, and fuel. All systems are in reach of most stock ships, and all are in yellow systems, so no color drives required. If you have the first 2 glyphs, portal in!


The space part of this game is so underdeveloped.

Flying in space is a huge part of the game and yet the core gameplay hasn’t changed. No ship interiors, no hovering, no being able to leave your ship and ultimately, no consequences.

There’s asteroids practically everywhere so fuel is never an issue, but imagine if you ran out of fuel and had to use your radio to signal for help , either you get saved by nice people (or maybe even a player but that wouldn’t happen much obviously) or pirates come over and start making demands. It would just give it more consequence.

And imagine if asteroid mining was a lot more delicate, you could leave you ship and fly over and mine that way to maybe find rare resources or get more fuel? It would just be nice to have more variety/options when it comes to space

submitted by /u/-GeneralDerp-
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Is my ship exotic

I am new to nms and some guy gave me tons of money at the anomaly so I went looking for a s class ship I found one and it kinda looks what people said were exotics I was just wondering if mine maybe is an exotic and I got lucky submitted b…

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