NMS HOT POST 2022/07/4

No end to the No Man’s Sky addiction…and I don’t want it to end.

No end to the No Man's Sky addiction...and I don't want it to end.

Let's be clear here…

I absolutely am addicted to No Man's Sky…and I love it! I originally purchased the game at launch on the PS4 system. Played for a few hours and wasn't impressed then dropped it. Fast forward nearly 5-6 years later (and now migrated to PC/Steam gaming) I decided to purchase the game a day or two before posting this. Not exactly sure what peaked my interest in the game. Didn't see/read about any updates or videos regarding the game, just simply wanted to play it again. So I purchased it…..BEST.DECISION.EVER.! I can't put the game down. I put hours into the game without realizing and continue to put many more. During the short period of time of owning No Man's Sky, I have already put 20 hours in! I still feel like I have yet to scratch the surface! The addition of multiplayer is amazing. The farming and exploration loop is highly addictive. I still feel like I am aimlessly wandering as I explore and discover upgrades for my ship, exo-suit, and multi-tool. However, it is incredibly fun. Gaming has been a bit dull lately with the current releases and nothing peaked my interest. This game has managed to magically capture that sense of child-like fun I use to experience in the early days of gaming. Wanting to spend hours upon hours without getting bored. Don't worry I do take regular breaks in sessions and attempt to pry my fingers away from the keyboard to get some sleep before waking up the next day to continue the No Man's Sky grind.

All I got to say is….I love this game! Anyone else addicted?

(I created a Reddit account soley because I wanted to share this!)

Me by the ship I just bought! 12 mil units!

submitted by /u/iCrytastic
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


This game's community is surprisingly very wholesome (from a new player)

I usually play more single player games so when I saw starfield is coming out in 3 months I got in a space game mood and decided to try out no man’s sky and the reason I said surprisingly wholesome is because usually the people who play survival games aren’t the friendliest bunch you know what I mean games like dayz or rust you try to meet up with people and they either kill you and shout slurs or grief you or back stab you along the way so anyway while doing the tutorial quests I got into the anomaly for the first time and checked out the place for a bit and this random dude invited me into his group I joined them I told them I was new and they immediately helped me out we did a bunch of stuff together one of them gave me a bunch of shit to sell which I used to buy a new ship and he even showed me how to build a base and even when I asked how to get more blueprints they helped and showed me how to find those buried tech for the salvaged data but anyways my point is props to the NMS community for being so helpful to new players can’t wait to grind further 🔥🔥🔥

submitted by /u/SeriousEar2971
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To people wondering if long-term update support for NMS will end: I think they literally love the ga...

I think they could have sunset NMS development like 2 years ago and it still would be considered a damn good open world universe exploration game.

And think of what it means to the devs from beginning to end. It went from something lame and not very substantial, a shallow experience, to something far deeper and far vaster than anyone (even the developers themselves) could’ve imagined.

Obviously there are still a few grating issues with the game (we need an Origins 2 update, seriously, planet and creature variety would help a lot, I’m tired of seeing the same deers and teddy bears and tigers on every planet) but I think that if NMS free update support were to ever end, it would’ve happened a year or so ago.

And of course you can make the argument “Bro wtf are you saying, it’s a company, they make choices based on their wallets not their hearts” and yeah, for most companies I think that’s true but HG is different because of the intense emotional journey most of them have gone through regarding the creation, development, and ongoing support of NMS from its dumpster fire beginning to its current celebrated engoodening.

Another notion to consider: No Man’s Sky doesn’t have super massive content updates. You can just read a patch note one day and see that they implemented a new storyline where you can create and adopt your own little Sentinel buddy and also rework your Minotaur mech. Like sure, from a coding/programming/dev standpoint it IS complex, I’m not denying that, but it’s not nearly as involved as a whole expansion. My point is that Hello Games deliberately keeps their scope low when it comes to expanding on No Man’s Sky, and because of that, in addition to the passion that most of them probably feel for the game, I highly doubt that long-term support for NMS will end any time soon.

But I can be wrong, I’ve certainly been wrong before. However, even if NMS free update support DOES end, it’s going to end on an incredibly high note. They’re not going to just drop it. They’ll drop a banger of a final update that will keep us sated for years. I don’t think they’ll let it go without a “cherry on top”, so to speak.

submitted by /u/A_Very_Horny_Zed
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Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

This weekly thread is to help keep bug reports manageable. It is a scheduled weekly thread and not related to any specific release. You do not have to repost bugs to this post if you have already reported them on a previous post.

If you’re requested to send your save file to Hello Games see this post

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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