NMS HOT POST 2022/08/26

Can we please make this an unspoken rule somehow?.. 😔 2 of my most recent (and favorite) bases have had issues this last week. Please be kind… Builders spend a lot of time building, and want everyone to be able to enjoy it.


Me and my friend group of 10ish are looking to possibly play NMS together for this first time! Is th...

Hey NMS community! As the title says, my friend group is looking for our next survival sandbox game to play and No Man’s Sky is popping up on our radar! After discovering all of the updates this game has undergone over the years, we are hopeful that this is something that we can all play together and put a bunch time into for the foreseeable future..


We are aware that the game allows up to groups of 4 and after some light research on YouTube and Reddit, we are NOT quite sure what all that entails:

We see that 32 people can be in the same instance at a time on PC.. Does this mean we can all play with each other, build bases, quest together etc. in multiple groups of 4 (or less) at the same time?

In other sandbox-survival type games that we have played together thus far (Age of Conan, Ark, Terraria, Minecraft etc.) we had the freedom to pretty much play through those games together, interacting and doing objectives with eachother as a whole as much as we pleased.

So our main concern is are we going to be able to play most of the game together as a collective? Since we are pretty unfamiliar with how the game works and plays (we didn’t want to over-research on youtube and spoil the gameplay), we weren’t sure that, being such a large group, would we be relatively alienated from each other via the limited 4-man group sizes and if NMS is the type of game we are looking to play together as a full goon squad!

Thanks for any and all info guys!!

submitted by /u/Square-Nerve3900
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More efficient ways to farm my self some frigate fuel?

I’m not quite experienced in nms and until now i went mining the blue crystals for hydrogen and shooting asteroids for tritium. Now, slowly but surely, my frigate has expanded so much, that I am able to do all expiditions every day, which costs literal tons of fuel. Any ”Life hacks” with refining materials or so? And can you build hydrogen and Tritium farms?

submitted by /u/Bernhard__
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Can I create a custom squadron from ships I would be scrapping otherwise?

So here’s what I was thinking. You can hire an NPC to your squadron from any space station for example, right? Now what happens if BEFORE hiring them I buy their ship by swapping it with one of my ships that I would be scrapping otherwise? Will I get THAT ship to join my squadron?

Obviously it depends on the pilot too how well they will do in a fight, but this way I could have a squadron made up of Living Ships or fully equipped Sentinel Interceptors, right? Or, in theory I can claim the Starborn Runner as many times as I want if I’ve finished the expedition, can I just keep selling a Starborn Runner by swapping with them AND hire said pilot equipped with the Starborn Runner now? Can I have a full squadron of them?

I’ll test this out soon with a sentinel that I’d scrap otherwise and get back to you, but if this works I think it is huge, so much potential to create an amazing fight squadron this way!

submitted by /u/Sn00PiG
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