
This game helped me deal with my debilitating existentialism

This game helped me deal with my debilitating existentialism

TL;DR I have a crippling fear of death and the unknown, but after being contempt with what I did in my playthrough, I let my life support run out and walked around my base until I died my one and only death.

For preface, I’ve always had an extreme fear of death. I fear that because there’s so much in the world to do and see that I’ll miss so much by the time I die, and have been fixated on preserving my life as much as possible while spiraling into existential crises.

I have a tendency to put myself in the shoes of my RPG-style characters, so naturally I acted as if I were my traveler. I made the decisions I would make, both in the story and in my day-to-day exploration. I got really into it because I didn’t die my entire playthrough- so even on normal difficulty, I treated it as if this was permadeath.

Going through the story, you get so much discourse about someone’s purpose and motivations for even existing, The conversations with Atlas specifically. I got so much into the roleplaying, that I couldn’t bring myself to reset the galaxy when prompted-so the only way to progress was to get to the center. I just kept farming and going about my explorations and slowly crept towards the center of the galaxy, doing things in the game I’d always wanted to do like fight off level 5 sentinels in a dogfight.

After I made it, I immediately went back to my base and decided my will had been fulfilled. I had a great playthrough and a great life as a traveler, and I was okay ending things here, so I literally did.

I swam around and burned through my life support on purpose, then sat on the edge watching the horizon with my [REDACTED] planet pet, waiting for my time to come. (pics below) It felt really alleviating, like weight was being taken off my shoulders. However, being in the emote pose wasn’t getting me killed in normal mode, so I started walking around my base for one last time, and even said bye to my Specialists as well. A superheated rainstorm came by, so I let that finish me off while looking at my ship. After the death quote, I alt+f4’d before it went away.

I can’t say I no longer fear death, but I genuinely believe this game taught me that your life is what you make it. I know a lot of hardcore players would scream about the all the other galaxies to visit and that I had to collect one of each ship type and max out everything, but scouring the Euclid galaxy with my trusty B-class T3 Fighter was enough to make me feel happy with the time I put into this game.

I hope what you all get from No Man’s Sky makes you contempt and happy as well.


Yes he is named after Jimmy Neutron’s dog

submitted by /u/Rapstablook
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The craziest thing happened to me recently

I was on an icy extreme weather planet fighting a sentinel pillar. I didnt have a cold weather protection tech and just quickly jamming an ion battery into my hazard protection every 30 seconds or so. It was tedious but I had to fight this pillar for a mission. Eventually an extreme storm rolled in, which was problematic but luckily the last bot, the mech, was almost dead. I took down the mech and headed over to the console.

Standing at the console, I then see WARNING: EXTREME WIND EVENT Huh I get slowly pushed up against the pillar, and am unable to extract myself I blink Then I am flailing in a white void. No ground in sight. Very concerned for my safety, I look up. And realize I am on the edge of space. Then, some random jerk wad in a space ship starts trying to shoot me out of the sky He lands a few laser shots on me and that’s where I begin to panic. Now there really wasn’t much I could do in my panic, and luckily I was calm enough to save my jetpack for when I inevitably returned to the ground. So I watched helplessly as I was buffeted by strong winds and being attacked by spaceships. Eventually, after what felt like an agonizingly long time, I began to see flickering flames of damaged machinery through the fog and saw the ground getting closer. I sparingly used my jetpack to slow and eventually reach the ground relatively unharmed. Immediately, I try to call my starship in, but the ground here was very uneven.

Then, a few seconds after having landed, a new message appears. WARNING: EXTREME ELECTROMAGNETIC EVENT Before I have a chance to process this new warning, the world erupts in lightning. Panic level rises more and I desperately try to get to flatter ground.

Then a direct strike. Completely ahnnilating my shields and leaving me with two health cores. At this point my panic has reached its apex. I began floundering desperately trying to call my ship in, spamming left click and looking everywhere.

I did manage to get my ship called in. I hopped in, and immediately left the planet. Critically wounded, tech broken, but alive. After taking a moment to calm down and make sure the planet I landed on wasn’t a portal to oblivion, I realized: I never finished my mission at the sentinel pillar. Steeling myself for what was to come, I went back, but it was entirely uneventful. Mission complete, I left the planet. Hopefully, never to return.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get a clip of this whole ordeal, which I greatly regret. It was truly the craziest chain of events that happened to me.

submitted by /u/Starman5555
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Looking to get sandworm as a pet

Hi! Just like the title says, I am looking for a sandworm to tame. I am aware that having a pet sandworm was made possible through a quest, and I’m wondering if anyone has a spare sandworm egg they’d be willing to part with (if that is a thing since I have no idea if your pet sandworm can have gestation induced). I’d be happy to compensate you for it – I can offer valuable in-game items in exchange.
Thank you!

submitted by /u/ianajhn
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