NMS HOT POST 2022/10/2

I wish Hello Games would change the way players trigger spawn system freighters as you travel through space. Nothing more annoying than freighters throwing themselves constantly into your path preventing pulsing or calling personal freighters. Then bombarded by comms and be forced to slowly fly away


Fractal 4.14

Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Fractal Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes are included in patch 4.14, which is live on Steam…. View Article

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Please help me figure out what the hell just happened to me...

So I’m fairly early on in the game (I think). I was warping between systems/galaxies, whatever they are, trying to trigger a space fight to get my free freighter. I warp and see what looks like a black hole hanging around in space straight after I warp. It’s not the system I was told to warp to as part of the main story mission that has something to do with black holes…There’s no dialogue boxes or icons on the compass at the top of the screen telling me what it is. So I fly into it, and then the standard warp loading screen plays. Nothing like the videos I’ve just watched from others flying through a black hole in this game. Then it spits me out in some random system and I have no idea where I am or what I’m supposed to do! In the Galaxy Map I can’t find any of the places I previously visited (I’d only warped like twice, maybe three times before this and close by my starter stuff). I seem to have lost one of the three main quests also…

So, do I stay and do stuff in this far away system, no where near any of the main story quests or previous stuff? Or do I leave and go back to where I was, though I may never get back here? Sorry this is rambling but I’m beyond confused at what the hell just happened.

submitted by /u/Extension_Struggle27
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Mad I waited so long to try this game

The title explains it. I’ve owned the game since 2020 and tried it a bit here and there but it never really clicked.

Fast forward to today and with the Orbital update I decided to give it one last go. Wow, I am loving it. 25 hours in the past week and I keep discovering new game systems and stuff to unlock or do. Even found my first Grave of the Ocean King (scared the crap out of me).

Trying to avoid guide videos because I feel like some folks get really focused on optimization, but if you have suggestions for things I should try or people to watch, I’m all ears.

tl;dr I bought NMS 4 years ago but never gave it a chance until now. Mad I missed out!

submitted by /u/Tyrude
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