
Supergriefer Returns

Today was yet another day for the Unlaid Brigade to pop in and start blowing holes in me, despite my game being set to “no PVP.”

Same scenario as usual: I’m working on my base (Euclid galaxy, planet “Walkadj Beta,” near the “Ealpha Base” featured in the Anomaly) and suddenly a rookie griefer pops in and starts trying the “Neutron Cannon” trick. I wasn’t taking direct or splash damage, so I let him finish his tantrum till his mom called him to feed his pet rat or whatever.

The NEXT crotchsniffer, however, had an interesting trick. Suddenly I’m taking purple weapons fire inside my base, and NMS is yelping about “heat damage detected!” There was no one near me that I could see; it sounded like fire from a ship.

I have a series of teleports set up for just this lame situation; in a few seconds and six teleports later, I was nowhere NEAR where I was, and underground, to boot. No way could anyone track me without a search.


The entire time I was hopping from one teleport to another, the weapons fire was on me the whole time. So, of course, I croaked. (This has to be a mod they sell to those underloved dudes who think Hot Pockets is a food group.)

So be aware: whatever trick these attention-monkeys are using, it doesn’t require line of sight. Or any skill whatsoever. (I hope you enjoyed your lil stiffie when you punched my clock, Flubber.)

For the record, I was able to grab a screenshot of this giggling feminine hygeine product. Or his gamer tag, at least. To the surprise of no one, his actual handle is “NMS Griefer.” On Xbox, I think? His icon is in my pic. He spends a lotta time on Walkadj Beta, taking people out and pawing at himself, I’m assuming.

I blocked and reported, of course, but man– these mods gotta go. It takes a special kinda “lame” to be douchey enough to ruin such a chill game.


submitted by /u/PizzaRohz
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Do I suck at space combat

I’m probably doing this on unfathomable levels of wrong but space combat feels pretty much impossible

If I lock onto a target it’s basically impossible to reach it, it goes way faster than my ship can go so I can’t even look in its direction

For example your ship could go low/medium speed towards my ship and to me it’d feel like a car is heading full speed toward me

Am I missing a few upgrades or am I just stupid

submitted by /u/sdjksdjksdjksdjksdjk
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Ship building

I wish they would let us own a space station… like finding one of the abandoned ones and converting it into a ship building warehouse where we can strip ships down into parts: Engine, cockpit, wings, solorsails, thrusters etc., then mix and match tho…

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Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

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