
If you're S-tier and do a mission with someone C-tier, you are now duty bound to protect them during...

I know there will be someone reading this going “Lol, nah fuck ‘em”.

I hadn’t played since before the new update*. After battling through fixing my inventories, I went to the Nexus to see what’s new. Saw someone starting a new mission, community research at 82%, fuck it I’ll pitch in. Notice the dude is a C-tier, in the starter ship. The mission takes us to an extreme ice planet to battle sentinels, fuck.

Of course all I see in the alerts are “<playername> died from hypothermia.” over and over again. They must’ve spawned a way from their ship because they kept lemming-ing back and forth, freezing to death. I eventually caught up with them in the shelter of one of the mission buildings. So gave them a shitload of batteries, sodium… then they’re off. Transferring inventory to someone running about like a headless chicken is hard.

I followed them all the way to their ship, topping them up with elements whenever their low alerts started. No idea if they even knew I was there haha. But after putting so many hours in, struggling to find things to do, I have a purpose… hazard protection angel for new players.

I could just imagine them confused, panicking, then me jetting off to complete the mission leaving them stranded on a random extreme ice planet. Not today!

*”Now you can see both inventories at once!”,

“But I can only see half of each? Instead of flicking between them, I’m now endlessly scrolling and missing things in two inventories?”

“…. but, both at once!”

I dislike this redesign element so much.

submitted by /u/things_U_choose_2_b
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続きを読む シェア

After a week of searching, I finally found one of the game's worst planets

After a week of searching, I finally found one of the game's worst planets

This took a week of searching in Calypso, visiting nearly 100 star systems in all before I found it.


This planet has just about everything wrong with it:

  • Extreme hazards (which implies extreme storms, and activated elements)
  • Aggressive sentinels
  • An infestation
  • No water
  • In a star system with a T1 economy and level 3 conflict

The only thing it’s really missing is extreme terrain. And possibly a visual glitch. But, overall, I am pleased with it.

There is literally no reason to come to here except to leave and never return. Maybe just to look around and say, “Yup. This place sucks”. Because it does.

I am thinking of building a home here.


It is kinda beautiful in its own right, though. The zebra striping on the infested elements is a nice touch that I don’t see often, so I suppose things could be just a smidgen more terrible on that front, too. But finding a worse planet would be a challenge.



Enjoy, travelers!

submitted by /u/SkySchemer
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続きを読む シェア

I finally found her!!! (Earth)

I finally found her!!! (Earth)

It’s got a single Moon, mountainous terrain,blue water with lakes and deep ocean,blue sky,green grass,green trees and young redwood trees,bushes,flowers,it also has rain and fog, and a bunch of different fuana.It is a Dissonant two-star Korvax system with a High tech. Comfortable Economy (Sell:65.2%,Buy-27.9%)Come check it out for yourself and help me build it

submitted by /u/Desperate-Pack-8220
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続きを読む シェア


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