


Just wanted to say, anybody who is a fan of the 65 Days of Static soundtrack on NMS should give the band Mogwai a listen. in particular, the album “As the love continues”, although, in my opinion, they are all awesome.

Anyone who just wants a pet Mogwai, should head to the Hilbert dimension, where I’m about to go build a shabby Chinese oddity shop.

submitted by /u/I__Zombie
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Can i minimize the base building and still enjoy the game?

I have played nms for quite a while and i absolutely love this game, but building bases really drew me away from it. I know it is a major gameplay mechanic, but is there a way to maoe it feel less overwhelming and a bit more casual?

Edit: Thanks for everyone who answered! Apparently freighters can work just as movable bases, which seems exactly like what i’d enjoy. I feel a lot more motivated to going back to this game now o7

submitted by /u/SodaPlane
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