NMS HOT POST 2022/12/16

found what I call space tahiti

found what I call space tahiti

It’s a completely habitable paradise planet with a black hole conveniently in the solar system. I don’t remember the name of the solar system but I’ll add a comment when I remember.

submitted by /u/ninjabl0bz
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


S class Sentinel ship

S class Sentinel ship

Ship only has 33 cargo, 23 tech and 2 supercharged slots but as seen in my third pic it goes up to 4 sc slots when you upgrade the amount of slots. If you’ve not done a sentinel ship before go up to the ship and hold whatever button it is on your platform to enter it, take the glass shard, pugneum and hyaline brain. If you don’t already have any radiant shards there should be some close by, they’re the taller purple crystals sticking out the ground but the clean ones not the ones with corrupt sentinel parts stuck to them. You need three, you also need an inverted mirror, use your scanner and look around for a dissident resonator (I’m sure there’s one close by) you’ll need to attack it with your multi-tool weapon to get it and if you’re not wanting to deal with the sentinels you can out run them until they subside. Then go in to your exosuit and go to the hyaline brain to activate it, it will highlight a waymarker to go to. The Ancient site will allow you to harmonise the brain so you can claim the ship. I have a base with a teleporter there named S class sentinel ship : jocks-trap The space station should allow you to head straight to it, if not the planetary co-ords are +8.69, +97.31the glyphs for the portal are in the screen shot above and its in the Euclid galaxy.

submitted by /u/Purpose_Live
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続きを読む シェア

TIL: Nintendo has a history of impossible space exploration game ports.

I’m so surprised by No Man’s Sky on the Switch. It’s playable and not really all that limited. If, as Hello Games teased, multiplayer could get added, it would be an even more amazing feat.

Will I be sticking with Switch as the main driver for NMS? I’m not sure. It’s very serviceable though.

But, as I was looking into inspirations for No Man’s Sky today, I came across Elite. I had no idea, but Elite was ported to the NES. They had to do some work around in the cartridge. I know the OG Elite isn’t the same as games like Elite: Dangerous or No Man’s Sky…but man seeing 3D graphics on an NES (drawn wire frames) is interesting..and the game is still open ended and large in scope. It probably blew people’s minds!

I’m really happy Hello Games did port to the Switch. It’s a very nice way to dip my toes into this amazing, amazing game.

submitted by /u/AcidCatfish___
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続きを読む シェア

Will I enjoy No Man's Sky in 2023 when I love single player story driven RPGs?

Haven’t player No Man’s Sky before, and I’m not into survival games. Subnautica is not my thing. I do love games like Skyrim, Cyberpunk and Witcher 3, but also space combat sims like Everspace 2, traditional X-Wing and Tie Fighter, Star Wars Squadrons, etc. I actually loved Starlink Battle For Atlas and I thought it looked like No Man’s Sky lite, although I never played NMS before.

I’m open to new experiences and love to let a game surprise me. I always was afraid of MMO’s but gave Elder Scrolls Online a chance and loved it, albeit only the single player story experience 🙂

It’s on Xbox Game Pass, which I have. So I wonder: will I enjoy this game? And if so, do you have any advice on how to get invested in any main campaign? Thanks!

submitted by /u/oxelhare
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KJ Industries, Inc. - Prometheus

KJ Industries, Inc. - Prometheus

(Euclid) 3 levels. Top – Bridge, captain’s lounge, captain’s quarters. Mid – landing bay, crew lounge, crew quarters, laboratory, broadside canon’s (they work, firing controls on the bridge. Projectiles hit the egg in the distance, zoom in after firing to see), mechanical bay containing AI core, fuel cores, reactor control room with viewing port to reactor (door is closed in picture. Must see in person for the full effect). Bottom – shooting range, forward nose canon’s, refiner room, exocraft garage and launch door. 2 escape pods, one top, one mid.

Just under 3000 parts. I can’t capture it all, you’ll have to come visit.

submitted by /u/KlDJ0K3R
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