
The life of a frigate captain

I just love how your frigate expeditions are having adventures worthy of Star Trek while you do mundane stuff like base-building and resource-gathering.

And when they hand in their report, you just skim it quickly and move on to the next report.

Frigate captain, pulling up his mission report: “While on a pirate-hunting patrol, we resolved a hostage situation and turned in the criminals to the local authorities, netting us 350,000 units. But then a system-wide civil war broke out, so we helped one side win and they rewarded us with some Vy’keen effigies. We then invested in the system’s recovering industry and turned a profit of 407%. Afterwards, we warped to the next system just in time to witness a supernova up close, allowing us to gather valuable data about–“

Me, a billionaire, busy building my luxurious base on a nice tropical planet: “Yeah, yeah, whatever, dump it all over there.”

submitted by /u/-Guardsman-
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First Serious Build

Decided to do my first serious build. Spent 6 hours on it today. I have a welcome center (green lights), greenhouse (pink lights), the start to my main building, and an animal pen located in the open area below the landing pads. submitted …

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My Greenhouse

My Greenhouse

This is my first Post, and my largest build in terms of baseparts. It reaches the exact limit to upload it to the servers. It features every plant needed to craft all the expensive recipes. I know it is not that pretty but 152 biodomes using roughly 12.000kp/s is very hard to package. Also my PS5 really reaches its limits when I visit :’)

submitted by /u/leo_btl
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