
The space part of this game is so underdeveloped.

Flying in space is a huge part of the game and yet the core gameplay hasn’t changed. No ship interiors, no hovering, no being able to leave your ship and ultimately, no consequences.

There’s asteroids practically everywhere so fuel is never an issue, but imagine if you ran out of fuel and had to use your radio to signal for help , either you get saved by nice people (or maybe even a player but that wouldn’t happen much obviously) or pirates come over and start making demands. It would just give it more consequence.

And imagine if asteroid mining was a lot more delicate, you could leave you ship and fly over and mine that way to maybe find rare resources or get more fuel? It would just be nice to have more variety/options when it comes to space

submitted by /u/-GeneralDerp-
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NMS Megathread for Q&A, Item Requests/Giveaways and Friend Requests, etc. Whatever you need, thi...

Hey Everyone,

This is a Megathread for all the people of the sub. If you have questions, Ask away. If you need anything just ask. This is uniform thread where you can ask for pretty much anything (from Questions to Nip Nip) that will be live 24/7 all year around and refreshed every couple of days.

This Megathread is closely monitored by me so if you have a question that no one has answered, don’t worry I will personally get back to you in a reasonable time. I will always be keeping a close eye so no naughty business please.

To make things little bit easier if you could help us make distinction between type of posts that would be great, Which brings us too ….


– *Do not put bug reports in this thread.* There is a Bug-Thread pinned to the top of the sub that should be used for them.

– If you are asking a questions please post your question like so : [Question] …. Your Post ….

– If you are requesting something an item, money, etc. please post like so : [Request] …. Your post ….

– If you are offering an item of doing a giveaways (in game items only), user: [Giveaway] …. Your post ….

– Please do not post your friend code in your post. PM/DM them to the person who is helping you. It will prevent people trolling and griefing your saves.

Helpful Links:

– If you need a specific ship, Multitool, Freighter, Frigates or anything a specific color or kind please check out our friends at r/NMSGlyphExchange. They also have a variety of different guides from Freighters to Multitool so if you need help with acquiring something, head right on over there.

– If you are looking for a ride to Anywhere in NMS, Please reach out to our friends at Pangalactic Starcabs, Pangalactic Starcabs is a Volunteer Service, Cabbie Availability may vary!

– If you are Looking for all 16 glyphs on one planet, You can find them in this Guide

And as always, please be civil, be kind and be helpful.

Please Follow all the Sub and Post rules and Thank you all so much!

submitted by /u/Minetitan
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This game gets dark

If you read data entries on corrupted esc planets, you can find disturbing logs of the author’s demise, or just why they left the planet. One planet I went to (boiling doom planet) is all greyscale, with the reflections and highlights being pink and bl…

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