NMS HOT POST 2023/03/19

Well that was expensive

So I’m a little over 400 hours in, and I still haven’t gone to the center of the galaxy. I decided the next thing I wanted to do in this game is go it the old fashioned way. It started with finding and then maxing out an explorer I liked. Then many many many many jumps and oh so many warp cells (I started at 697 light years out) later, I’m ready to make the last jump. Now, I’ve read all the advice of “use your crappiest stuff” but I, in my infinite wisdom, thought “how bad could it be?” So anyway, after repairing basically everything in my suit, s class multitool, and s class ship, I’ve decided that next time I am definitely heeding y’all’s advice and buying junkers for that last jump!

submitted by /u/BoringDocToo
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Is my ship exotic

I am new to nms and some guy gave me tons of money at the anomaly so I went looking for a s class ship I found one and it kinda looks what people said were exotics I was just wondering if mine maybe is an exotic and I got lucky submitted b…

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Pirate freighters every time

Pirate freighters every time

If anyone is interested, some systems spawn pirate freighters every time you warp in, seen all classes. Found 3 near each other in Euclid, one gek, one vykeen, one korvax so you can just hop between them till you find what you want. Saving and reloading not needed, they appear right in front of you. Take the engines out first so they can’t escape, then guns, shields generators, fuel rods, take your pick. When they surrender land on board and have a look, if you like it keep it, if not you can ransom it or destroy it for hefty rewards and just warp straight to the next. The glyphs are the vykeen one, the map shows the other two. Hope this is helpful. Happy hunting 👍

submitted by /u/mildlyalarmingdave
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