NMS HOT POST 2023/05/7

[WIP] So I always wanted to make a small smuggling den built around a crashed freighter. This is the current state of things, no glitch building, wanted to show progress as it went on. Still in development, figured I’d share.


Do you guys explore planets?

I’m still “noobish” (finished the artemis storyline).

I love finding new planets and love how amazing they look from afar, but I’ve found that with most planets merely landing on one of them and getting the base stats is all I need. Some planets are gorgeous (a “paradise” planet filled with eery green and purple lights, a gorgeous earth-like mountainous planet, etc), but for most of them, I feel there’s very little incentive to actually go out and explore the planet itself. Most of the time I don’t find anything unique anyway. An inhabited outpost, an abandoned building.

Am I the only one?

submitted by /u/GamingNomad
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Mock of how the exosuit UI should present stats

Mock of how the exosuit UI should present stats

The UI does not show actual stats, so we can’t tell

  • if adjacencies are working without manually testing each upgrade
  • how long a jetpack lasts and how long it takes to recharge
  • how long we can sprint and how ling it takes to recharge
  • how much shields we actually have
  • how long the S class environment protection upgrades last

To solve this, the UI should show the actual values:


submitted by /u/SkyHiRider
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I have too many ships.

I have too many ships.

I found a sentinel ship I liked and had to scrap another ship before I could claim it. I’m realizing that I dont need all the ships I have, and I want to change things up. At the same time I dont want to just scrap them (because they’re pretty). So I figured I would offer them up on here.

A starborn runner (name is different because its the one I did the expedition with), and 2 living ships that I can’t remember the coords to.

I’m not sure if ship trading is still working or not, so let me know if this isn’t possible. Otherwise just dm me which one you want and we’ll work things out. I’ll be online for a little while.

submitted by /u/diydm
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