NMS HOT POST 2023/08/17

The deck of cards I created for NMS got printed ! Tell me what you guys think ! It took months but now I sent a deck to hello games, I can say this project is complete

The deck of cards I created for NMS got printed ! Tell me what you guys think ! It took months but now I sent a deck to hello games, I can say this project is complete

(deleted the original due to a mistake) It's a deck of Tarot cards that I've worked on for the past few months, I'm not really a spiritual type of guy, so playing games was all I ever used Tarot for, but I always found the images and meaning on the divination tarot interesting, and I wanted to make a deck for NMS using it's lore, like what they did with Cyberpunk2077

I printed two and sent one to Hello Games, hope they'll like it. Would love to make more but there's no such plan for now

submitted by /u/RagBell
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Small UI Things That Annoy A Little (... and are easily fixed tbh)

I love No Man’s Sky, been so addicted to it – buuut there are certain small UI things where the game is clearly trying tooo… “be fancy”, let’s call it, but actually just makes simple things feel a bit more cumbersome than they in reality are.

Like when you enter a system and get those black bars that you have to manually make go away faster… which is pretty silly when you drop right into a space battle, Dreadnought battle, what have you – dude, it’s a space battle, stop that please.

Or when you have a waypoint on the galaxy map (maybe previously marked in your Discoveries tab because you’re trying to get an S-Class Capital Ship from a specific system… or so) that your ship can get to in a single jump… buuut the game UI still makes the navigation take you across a web of in between systems for no reason.

Or in general that the galaxy map UI is totally and entirely unresponsive until the game is done doing its dramatic whoosh and zoom camera motion – again, for no real reason.

Or how you can use a Chart in space or on a Station and it’ll immediately show you what you found… buuut down on a planet surface you have to wait for the radary scanny wave to travel dramatically before it actually tells you what it is you found, let alone where.

If me being wordy here gives off the impression I’m upset – I am not! Just being descriptive! As I said, these are little things – and I’m just suggesting… eyyy, Hello Games, I know you want stuff to “feel fancy”, but c’mooon – not when it’s impractical, eh? : P

submitted by /u/Anvanaar
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Half ramps are unplayable

I have to delete half my base to place my half ramp cause otherwise it will snap to literally everything else than where I want it but after I place my half ramp I can’t place back any of the parts of my base I deleted cause they will keep snapping to the half ramp over any of the other floor tiles I’ve placed. Hello Games please for the love of god improve snapping/rotation.

submitted by /u/gimme_ur_chocolate
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Fractal 4.13

Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Fractal Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes are included in patch 4.13, which is live on Steam…. View Article

The post Fractal 4.13 appeared first on No Man’s Sky.

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Building on Console is Terrible

Seriously – what is the deal with snap placement? I can’t get anything to snap and place where I want it to. I don’t remember it being this bad – is this something Hello Games is going to address?

And while I’m on the subject, trying to rotate objects and get them to be straight is INSANELY impossible. For someone with OCD like me – I can spend hours on a simple build just trying to get decor to look “professional”

Love this game, but my favorite aspect is damn near infuriating..


submitted by /u/MikeyBakes
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