NMS HOT POST 2023/11/17

Because we’re limited to 12 starships, finding new ones like this cute explorer is fun, but all I can do is file them away because I haven’t any more room. I hope that NMS in the next major update will increase this limit to 15 or more. I think it would keep hunters like me in the game longer.


Ship cycling needed on Starship Outfitting Terminal

It’s so annoying having to run around manually jumping into ships to select which one to scrap or upgrade. Have there been any discussion about allowing us to select which starship to modify/scrap aboard space stations via the outfitting terminal or something? Feels weird that such an obvious feature doesn’t exist(or does it and I’m just blind??)

EDIT: Please let us cycle between our owned ships in the terminal so we can quickly upgrade/scrap our rustbuckets!

submitted by /u/Kitousha
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So uh... The first free freighter....

So uh... The first free freighter....

It’s supposed to be an S-class right? 😅

I still haven’t clicked the claim button because I’m still sort of in shock. I went through the dog fight event, checked out the freighter and was a B-class, but I had to shut off the game. I didn’t realize it didn’t save. When I reverted the save and did it again, the RNG seemed to have blessed me with a S Capital ship after the single accidental save scum.

I haven’t been playing that long and don’t fully understand what I’m looking at as far as quality. How good is she as freighters go?

submitted by /u/Aquafoot
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