
NEXT PATCH 1.53 | 日本語パッチノート

BUG FIXES 貨物船の特定のセーブ問題の影響を受けたプレイヤーのセーブデータの復元 読み込み中に時々白い画面がクラッシュするのを修正 フリゲートが損傷した状態を正しく報告していないことを修正 チュートリアルの「ワープドライブを燃やす」段階でプレーヤーをブロックする可能性のある問題を修正 クリエイティブモードで破損した船のスロットを修復するための修正 エキソクラフトレーザー損傷の改善 旋回、ジェットパック、およびオブジェクト上に立っている間のアニメーションの改善 安定性を向上させるメモリの最適化 ミッションハン…

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Faecium mine in Calypso: don't just take random crap from anyone (Calypso)

Faecium mine in Calypso: don't just take random crap from anyone (Calypso)

Get your sh*t together

Announcing the Anomalous Acres Faecium Mine

Need faecium? Of course you do! But why gather it in the field like some animal, or waste time building a farm? You don’t have time for that sh*t because you’ve got sh*t to do.

We are in some serious sh*t

Our faecium mine is full of sh*t and our sump pumps work 24×7 to make sure it stays that way. Over $1.9 million units worth, every 48 hours, this sh*t will make you rich.

Note that there aren’t separate networks here: it’s just one big pile of sh*t.

Can you believe this sh*t?

Located on a storm-free marsh planet in Calypso. Normal mode.

WARNING: This planet has aggressive sentinels in normal mode (they take their sh*t seriously), so come in, collect your sh*t, and get out.

The mine is high enough that this isn’t a problem as long as you don’t linger, but for people who just don’t want to take that sh*t there’s a save beacon and a comm ball at a nearby sentinel pillar (which is, itself, next to a trading post, so you can unload your sh*t as needed).

We will give you sh*t



submitted by /u/SkySchemer
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