NMS HOT POST 2024/02/22

How early you get a freighter seems off to me.

Does anyone else feel this way? Barely in to the game, still really haven't scratched the surface of content. Suddenly, you are handed a freighter by a captain who you can't even communicate with. It feels.. odd. Like I didn't do anything to earn it. Flying around, unlocked warp just a few hours ago and boom, now you captain one of the biggest ships in existence. Very weird.

submitted by /u/xankek
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Base Trap: I got caught in one.

I was approached by a traveler that asked me to join his game at the nexus. They had a number for a name. They wouldn’t talk to me. He just started a nexus mission at once. We landed on a volcanic planet The landing site was messed up. He then ran off. Heat was draining my resources faster than I could refuel them. Then noticed He had used a giant glass cube to trap me. The only way to get out was to report it. Poof it was gone and all traces of him. The reporting system didn’t catch this. I think it was only looking for dirty words.

This ruins frienship

submitted by /u/rick73135
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