PATCH 2018/08/1

NEXT PATCH 1.53 | 日本語パッチノート


  • 貨物船の特定のセーブ問題の影響を受けたプレイヤーのセーブデータの復元
  • 読み込み中に時々白い画面がクラッシュするのを修正
  • フリゲートが損傷した状態を正しく報告していないことを修正
  • チュートリアルの「ワープドライブを燃やす」段階でプレーヤーをブロックする可能性のある問題を修正
  • クリエイティブモードで破損した船のスロットを修復するための修正
  • エキソクラフトレーザー損傷の改善
  • 旋回、ジェットパック、およびオブジェクト上に立っている間のアニメーションの改善
  • 安定性を向上させるメモリの最適化
  • ミッションハンドリングによる潜在的な安定性の問題に対する予防的な修正


Anybody looking for nanites?

Anybody looking for nanites?

I’ve made a base at a Sentinel pillar on a planet that spawns tons of curious deposits. It’s called HTK_Nanite Farm.

Arrive, shut down the sentinels, and go looking for curiuos deposits. You can rack up around 200,000 runaway mould in about ten minutes, 9999 will refine into 1999 nanites in twenty minutes.

I’ve marked 5 locations with save beacons, all <1000u from the base. You can see 4 of them in the pictures.

The curious deposits respawn after about five minutes so by the time you’ve found three, you can go back to the first and just repeat.

The base has thirteen refiners, so you should be able to refine 25,987 nanites every twenty minutes. The refiners are in the round rooms around the landing pad, but you need to use the teleporters in the teleporter room to get to them, or unlock them from the command room overlooking the landing pad (with the flag on it, above the airlock). To get to the teleporters, go through the airlock using the switches, and it’s behind the reception.

If you feel like exploring, harvest atlantideum whilst the sentinels are shut down. Refine 1/3 of your atlantideum into pugneum, and you’ll get equal amounts of atlantideum and pugneum, refine them together to make runaway mould. 9999 atlantideum will net you another 4000 nanites.

There’s also a traveler’s grave right next to the furthest away curious deposit, behind a floating island. There’s also a depot over the valley which you can see from the lounge.

If not, feel free to relax in the base whilst you refine. It’s fully equipped with a kitchen, bedroom, storage container [0], trade terminal, and roamer station, with nice views from the bedroom, lounge, and dining area.

submitted by /u/HTK_blazer
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続きを読む シェア

Me and my friend group of 10ish are looking to possibly play NMS together for this first time! Is th...

Hey NMS community! As the title says, my friend group is looking for our next survival sandbox game to play and No Man’s Sky is popping up on our radar! After discovering all of the updates this game has undergone over the years, we are hopeful that this is something that we can all play together and put a bunch time into for the foreseeable future..


We are aware that the game allows up to groups of 4 and after some light research on YouTube and Reddit, we are NOT quite sure what all that entails:

We see that 32 people can be in the same instance at a time on PC.. Does this mean we can all play with each other, build bases, quest together etc. in multiple groups of 4 (or less) at the same time?

In other sandbox-survival type games that we have played together thus far (Age of Conan, Ark, Terraria, Minecraft etc.) we had the freedom to pretty much play through those games together, interacting and doing objectives with eachother as a whole as much as we pleased.

So our main concern is are we going to be able to play most of the game together as a collective? Since we are pretty unfamiliar with how the game works and plays (we didn’t want to over-research on youtube and spoil the gameplay), we weren’t sure that, being such a large group, would we be relatively alienated from each other via the limited 4-man group sizes and if NMS is the type of game we are looking to play together as a full goon squad!

Thanks for any and all info guys!!

submitted by /u/Square-Nerve3900
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続きを読む シェア

Do-it-yourself new character challenges

As much as I like cruising around the galaxy with my fully kitted-out main character, I really like the beginning stages of the game. I guess it was partly because of doing the achievements and expeditions, but I got addicted to the first few days of game time when your resources and abilities are limited, and I tend to start new characters and level them until I got bored and delete them.

But lately I’ve been setting challenges for myself. It started simple; get to an S-class multitool, ship, and freigter. Okay, that was fun. Full explorer run, maxing out the Explorer’s Guild rep? Cool.

So then I started getting a little more elaborate.

Neural Assembly
You are a stranded alien life form who’s managed to weld themselves to a robotic body, and you’re desperate to re-connect to your people. Put the Ares head on an Autophage body and get to the living ship as fast as possible.

Octopus’ Garden
You are a grumpy octopoid being who just wants to be left alone to make things and get wealthy. Build a base that includes a fully functional production line making fusion ignitors and stasis cores, deep underwater. Wear the Iteration: Gemini head. Use the bubble trail.

My next one’s going to be fun.

Rebel Scum
You are a robot, and that makes you mad. Full-on Autophage run. Get a sentinel S-class ship, an S-class autophage staff or sentinel weapon, and a pirate frigate. Make a seriously badass autophage getup. Max out pirate reputation.

Does anyone else do these little self-created kind-of story-like expeditions? Any other suggestions?

submitted by /u/MrVisible
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続きを読む シェア

I can't be the only one who wants to see more biome and planet types now

  • Look all these updates are great and yes there is still something on the table like capital vs capital battles ( given the recent update Orbit, the way Exploration mission received update it’s coming inevitably). But after space receiving so much attention, can we please again shift back to planets?

  • I didn’t play game before NEXT, so I don’t what it’s like but it does shows, especially lately that planets are little more than over-glorified resource and money pits. Keep exotic and extreme exotic planets, but perhaps add more twists to them? However, that’s not enough, we need more freaking biomes and unique planet properties for common planets.

Or am I among those minority people thinking this?

submitted by /u/PreferenceFickle1717
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続きを読む シェア


KJ Industries, Inc. - Prometheus

KJ Industries, Inc. - Prometheus

(Euclid) 3 levels. Top – Bridge, captain’s lounge, captain’s quarters. Mid – landing bay, crew lounge, crew quarters, laboratory, broadside canon’s (they work, firing controls on the bridge. Projectiles hit the egg in the distance, zoom in after firing to see), mechanical bay containing AI core, fuel cores, reactor control room with viewing port to reactor (door is closed in picture. Must see in person for the full effect). Bottom – shooting range, forward nose canon’s, refiner room, exocraft garage and launch door. 2 escape pods, one top, one mid.

Just under 3000 parts. I can’t capture it all, you’ll have to come visit.

submitted by /u/KlDJ0K3R
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続きを読む シェア

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