NMS HOT POST 2019/04/1

[SPOILERS] I just spent 8 hours searching manufacturing facilities for an Atlas Pass V3 blueprint, and I have to say…

The V2 pass gets you behind the doors in the Ops centers and other planetside buildings, and what's inside is just a few of those little red containers with a little carbon/ferrite/cobalt in a workshop type room, or some di-hydrogen or deuterium plants in a garden type room. All things you can get more of just outside that building. One time I got some Atlas interface kind of thing, but I had already completed the Atlas Path so it didn't actually give me anything other than some philosophical "everything is a simulation" talk. Now that's fine, V2 passes aren't too hard to come by, you can't expect untold treasures to await you.

But getting the V3 was a journey! I have always wondered what was behind those doors at the space stations, there has to be something good back there, some blueprints or a multi tool display case, or some secret behind the scenes story shit with the station itself. So I bought like 50 nav datas, and searched and searched until I came across an ops center with a roaming walker and some doggos. So I start firing at the door, hopping around trying to avoid their shots for long enough. I finally get in and shut down the alarm, and finally, a V3 blueprint!! I "YEEEEEEESSSS!!!" With excitement and run to my ship and check the recipe. A microprocessor? Got it. 200 Emeril? Easy find. So I head to the nearest green body system, head to a planet, gather up my ingredients, and make my pass. I fly into space, but there's no space station in this system, so I fly to another system, still no station, so a third system it is. Finally, I head into the station, hop up to the balcony, run into the back, and open the door. What do I get for my hours and hours of work?

Some salt, a bit of cobalt, a little di-hydrogen, and some sulpherium(I think that's what it's called). That's it, another room of basic, easy to find material. I try another station just to make sure, and it's pretty much the same.

V2 and V3 passes are less useful than the V1 pass. I'm incredibly disappointed with this game right now, I thought we were over putting nothing behind locked doors, and making you think there's something more than there actually is. Am I missing something? Is it just me that was lead to believe that the Atlas passes would be a bigger deal?

submitted by /u/D3dshotCalamity
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


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