
More varied space stations

Besides the abandoned stations, they’re identical in layout, even music is the same… I get seasick with my ship being turned around to face back down the exit every time… Can’t we at least have stations with entrances at either end of the runway? Could we have stations with parts/walkways that stretch out into space like on frigates? How about fuel stations where you can easily buy warp cells or tritium conveniently after you land? HG have been experimenting with more procedural interiors in Desolation and Frontiers so I’d love it if procedural space stations were to appear this year.

submitted by /u/cptcalamity85
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I've been hoarding poop...

So apparently reading is a good idea, because I’ve been hoarding Faecium because the icon looked like a gemstone or some kind of valuable mineral. It’s poop. My exosuit is filled with poop. My ship is filled with poop. I play in VR and this feels like a personal prank on me by the simulated universe.

“Pay attention buddy, or you might end up in shit.” – Atlas.

submitted by /u/AraxisKayan
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Is there any true multiplayer content?

I already have a bit more than eighty hours in, and love this game.However, every time I try to play with a friend we just chat and each do their own missions separately. I heard if you’re in the same session you and your friends can build bases together, haven’t tried but what are the limitations? Other than that, I thought about inviting them to do some nexus missions, but are they truly engaging multiplayer? I have already done a few missions by myself and they just seem to be the kind that you can divide in subtasks each one will accomplish separately. What is the best this game has to offer when it comes to multiplayer? I miss the excitement, the thrill of actually depending on each other and planning and acting together. Come to think of it, I think this game lacks a bit of action (there were some interesting fights with the sentinels there though). Maybe we should have more multiplayer PVE content in nms

submitted by /u/TheFoundationFather
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