NMS HOT POST 2021/05/19

New player here, HOLY SHIT

Finished Subnautica Below Zero yesterday and me and my friend were quite disappointed with it after the amazing original. Decided to get No Man's Sky after watching the famous video about it.

I am just building my base (on the 2nd planet where it gives you the building tutorial) after returning from the first space station, have this feeling at the back of my mind how the game will turn into an rng grind (maybe I misinterpreted all the vendors and npcs at the station but it felt like all of them had rng stuff for sale with hidden stats until you open it).

But then outta fucking nowhere a HUGE ASS LEVIATHAN DRAGON WORM THING bursts out of the ground, hoops over my base and digs back in like nobody's business.


submitted by /u/papanak94
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


100 hours on the Nintendo Switch version of No Man's Sky, my thoughts.

Firstly I’ve have got to admit I have a long history with Elite, played the original in 84, spent about four years playing Frontier: Elite II on the Amiga and currently playing Elite Dangerous on a Series X.

I briefly played the PS4 version of NMS for an hour and got a refund.

Anyway, I’ve been playing the Switch version mode in TV mode and handheld mode, everything’s been generally good! Super impressed with the performance, I’m over 100 hours in and have experienced minor issues with a couple of softlocks and lag on a few occasions (in areas of lots things being drawn to the screen at once).

I’ve got everything down in terms of game logic and progess, although things are a bit confusing at the start, but follow the tutorial (story) for a while and you soon get to grips with the absolute mountain of content this game has been updated with since release (all free).

I find the interaction with the npc characters and the delivery of the story quite refreshing, interesting concept and very broad considering this is a huge procedurally generated game world.

Graphics are fairly solid, if a bit low poly and “okay” textures, draw distance is a bit limited but there’s a lot going on here so there’s gotta be sacrifices for performance.

Sound effects are good and the soundtrack is suited to the games setting, it nicey adapts to whats going on the screen… a lot the tunes are pretty chill, feels almost like minecraft sometimes.

Referencing the old school, I would give this 92%

Edit: I have no idea of how well I’m doing but I’ve got plenty of money and a few basic farms running. A nice exotic S class ship and my frigates are running missions. I quickly became confident enough to ignore the quests and just focused on exploring and making money. Like minecraft in a way, i grind, build and gather resources.

submitted by /u/winguardianleveyosa
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Your worst planets

Your worst planets

We’ve all seen planets with crazy storms, or planets that are devoid of life, or ones with aggressive sentinels that shoot on sight. These are not that unusual. But every now and then, a planet pops up that is just so noxious that it gets permanently burned into your mind. These are the zero-star-rating planets that suck the joy out of the rest of the solar system.

Mine came many, many years ago when the game was first released. It was a beautiful garden planet teeming with life according to the scanners, almost no sentinels, and the first I found with floating islands. So I landed, got out of my ship…and died so fast I didn’t even have time to react.

I didn’t know it at first, but I was hit from behind and the sides by multiple predatory crabs and crab-mantises. And then I respawned, and died again, almost as fast.

I don’t even remember how I lived through the second respawning; I must have jumped in my ship fast enough to avoid the instadeath. And that’s when I saw them: dozens, literally dozens, of crabs and crab-mantises, all with super speed (I don’t think super speed crabs and crab-mantis predators are a thing anymore, or at least, I’ve not seen any in the last couple of updates).

I flew around for a bit, trying to find a safe landing spot, but everywhere I touched down there were predators around my ship and in the distance. Until I found a building by sheer luck, and was able to jump out and run for it. I turned around just inside the entrance, where you are far enough in to be safe from attack, but not far enough to disable your scanner. That’s when I got this screenshot:

Every one of those green dots is a predator, too. But only 5 were in range.

The entire planet was nothing but supercharged predators.

submitted by /u/SkySchemer
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Is there any true multiplayer content?

I already have a bit more than eighty hours in, and love this game.However, every time I try to play with a friend we just chat and each do their own missions separately. I heard if you’re in the same session you and your friends can build bases together, haven’t tried but what are the limitations? Other than that, I thought about inviting them to do some nexus missions, but are they truly engaging multiplayer? I have already done a few missions by myself and they just seem to be the kind that you can divide in subtasks each one will accomplish separately. What is the best this game has to offer when it comes to multiplayer? I miss the excitement, the thrill of actually depending on each other and planning and acting together. Come to think of it, I think this game lacks a bit of action (there were some interesting fights with the sentinels there though). Maybe we should have more multiplayer PVE content in nms

submitted by /u/TheFoundationFather
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