
I've been hoarding poop...

So apparently reading is a good idea, because I’ve been hoarding Faecium because the icon looked like a gemstone or some kind of valuable mineral. It’s poop. My exosuit is filled with poop. My ship is filled with poop. I play in VR and this feels like a personal prank on me by the simulated universe.

“Pay attention buddy, or you might end up in shit.” – Atlas.

submitted by /u/AraxisKayan
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Rate my base.

Rate my base.

This is the first major base I have created. it is able to produce silver and store up to 40,000 silver. I’ve hidden more storage underneath one landing pad, the prefab tower houses my batteries. and under the other I added a bar and a room. the purpose of this base is to help me construct my freighter base. is there any way I can further improve this build besides adding more furnishings?

(Edited to add the image and more text)


submitted by /u/the_quiet_kid_00
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