
My not so short, mostly QOL wish list for No Man's Sky (in no particular order)

  • Add the ability to quick-menu summon owned ships on Space Stations.
  • Remove the two antennas nearest the landing bay on Dreadnought Freighters.
  • Show the current Hyperdrive fuel available (Ships & Freighter) while viewing the Galaxy Map.
  • Add the ability to recharge the Hyperdrive (Ships & Freighter) while viewing the Galaxy Map.
  • Add stats to the Exosuit equipment screen (resistances, movement speed, # of free slots in tech/storage, etc.)
  • Add optional base powering (instead of just manually charging) to the following: anti-matter refiner, atmosphere harvester, oxygen harvester, and autonomous mining unit.
  • Add buildable glass roof tiles for freighters.
  • Make it so others can see your ship custom name.
  • Add Subterranean Relics as a decorative item for bases.
  • Add the new purple crystals (from the Interceptor update) as a decorative item for bases.
  • Make squadrons an actual asset… instead of a liability.
  • Hirable NPCs that can repair frigates… for a cost.
  • Move planet bedrock lower so you can (on average) mine deeper.
  • Deeper oceans (as in really deep) on planets.
  • Add planetary “boss mobs” for some real challenges.
  • Give us the ability resize anything and everything in base building.
  • Add “W”est and “E”ast to the compass.
  • Add a Player driven Marketplace in the Anomaly for convenient buying/selling/trading.
  • Default all new saves to PVP = Off.
  • Let us claim the “lurching turtles” on planets as pets.
  • Do actual procedural generation of points-of-interest places on planets (crashed freighters, ruins, etc). When you have seen one, you have seen them all.
  • After charging a portal, add a button that populates all the glyphs randomly. (For those that just want to quickly get lost for no reason at all)
  • Add an option toggle to completely turn off everyone else’s Communication “Com” Balls. Alternatively, have a slider that you can adjust the distance at which they are “seen” from 5u to systemwide.
  • Add the ability to delete your own “Com” Ball(s).
  • Add coop base ownership, as in: After you plant a Base Computer, you can grant specific other(s) building rights.
  • Increase base build limits. 16,000 base objects per save, and a 3,000 components upload limit per base isn’t enough for a game that is virtually limitless in explorable size.
  • Let us un-tag all “active” quests. There are times where you just want to chill out and not be constantly nagged to do a quest.
  • Give us the ability to scrap unwanted Multi-Tools. This could be an option in the space station Multi-Tool upgrade terminal… similar to how we can scrap unwanted starships. (and potentially get Multi-Tool expansion slots in the process)
  • Add the ability to recolor the Sentinel Minotaur. (as well as all of the other vehicles)
  • On the Manage Fleet Terminal on the Freighter… list 10 Frigates per page (instead of just 9).
  • On the Discoveries page… list 10 Flora / Fauna per page (instead of just 9).
  • Add an option for Exosuit and Starship to view the Tech and Cargo slots as either stacked (like it currently is), or on separate tabs so you don’t have to scroll.
  • Add constructible wind turbines as base power alternative. Make the power generation corelate to the current weather conditions. Stormy = more power. Calm weather = less power.
  • Add some way to clean up old unwanted/orphaned/forgotten Save Beacons, Save Points, “Com” Balls, etc.
  • Add female models: Korvax, Gek and Vy’keen, Traveler, and Anomalies. (No Man’s Sky is a sausage fest)
  • Add the ability to choose your Race/Sex on game startup.
  • When deciding on whether or not to hire a Frigate for your fleet… give us a way to show the Fleet Management screen so you can see what you have versus what you need.
  • Add some way to be able to upgrade the current Freighter Class. We can do it for Multi-Tools, Ships, Frigates (through completed missions)… but not our Freighters?
  • Add additional alternative ways to attain Salvaged Frigate Modules and Cargo Bulkheads for Freighter expansion.
  • Add rivers to planets.
  • Bring back all previous expeditions as a permanent part of the game. Could add them all as quest type(s) to a new NPC in the Anomaly.
  • Fix the head sizes for some creatures. I have seen absolutely ginormous creatures out there…. with teeny tiny heads.
  • Add roving packs of Terminator-style Sentinels on planets who’s only mission is to find… and kill you.

submitted by /u/Sparxx_Interface
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What items should you carry with you at all times in early/middle game?

New to the game and I’m still struggling to understand what items and materials I should keep with me all the time to be able to face any situation and build almost all I need for exploring. I have 50+ hours to the game and my main items in inventory right now are Oxygen, Sodium, Carbon, Chromatic Metal, Life-Support Gel and then Batteries and Tritium in the Ship.

submitted by /u/csc_one
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I know ship hunting is important but... its kind of brutal that we cannot atleast modify an existing...

Thinking of the big picture you probably will never be able to obtain the starship that you dream of ever in your lifetime. The common saying is that exploration is a core aspect of the game and the player should keep exploring to find the ship they want, but there is a very brutal catch…

The world of NMS consists of 256 Galaxies, all with their hundreds of systems, who also have their handful of planets, the NMS world is so huge that you probably wouldn’t even be able to comb through it all in your whole lifetime even if you explored 24/7 without going to the bathroom or eating.

Now here is my point, I don’t intend to imply that HG should just allow us to build our own ship and make the whole exploring shtick useless, but atleast we should be able to work with something that is “good enough”. A Sentinel ship for instance, I find a good model with folding wings and belly horn but it has the ugly big wing stuck in its body? I should be able to remove it. I find a good one with the wrong colors? I should be able to change the paintjob.

No modifying the entire ship, but still be able to change a range of body parts and paint to better match what we want, I dont care if it would change it to C class or if it costed an unholy amount of Nanites, it would simply be another nice goal to chase at endgame.

submitted by /u/RallySubbie
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Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

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