
Refusing Atlas does NOT block Autophage content

A week or two back, I read a comment where someone said that if you finish The Purge by refusing Atlas, you can’t unlock the They Who Returned quest (Autophage content). I’ve never heard anyone else say anything about it one way or the other.

Yesterday, I made a test game and confirmed that They Who Returned works just fine after refusing Atlas. Obviously, this is just one data point, and I can’t guarantee that it applies in every single case.

For the record, here’s what I did:

  • Started a new game in Creative mode, Switch NMS version 4.4.7 (equivalent to 4.47).
  • Chased the Artemis path until after having made the big Artemis decision.
  • Did the A Trace of Metal quest. On Switch, this is triggered by warping 25 times, so no settlement is necessary.
  • Jumped to a dissonant system, obtained an Echo Locator, and lifted the lockdown on the harmonic camp.
  • Returned to the Artemis path and completed it by refusing the Atlas.
  • Took off in my ship and warped to a nearby Vy’keen yellow star system.
  • A few seconds after arrival in that system, the hijack warnings began.

If anyone cares, that whole process took just under five hours of game time, according to the save file. Wall-clock time, however, might have been twice that.

submitted by /u/Slyde_rule
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What type of planet (or moon) do you dislike the most? What type would you never settle on?

For me it’s volcanic worlds. They are depressive, gloomy, scorched places usually without water and, from my experience, if you saw one, you saw them all. Unfortunately I encounter volcanic worlds often.

Yesterday I even glitched into a volcano while flying, I couldn’t get out and my ship kept taking damage, so I reloaded the game before the inevitable happened.

submitted by /u/TheThickTadpole
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Got my first exotic!

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The melee charge jump is life-changing

I learned about the melee jump mechanic from a video and I wish the tutorial told us about it because it seems like a feature and not an exploit.

For anyone new reading, you do your melee attack and immediately jump after which sends your character flying forward. Just keep jetpacking to maintain momentum; you’ll be traveling planets much faster if you’re on foot.

submitted by /u/Geilerjunge
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All colours in NMS

All colours in NMS

So I was trying to see all the possible colours on the floors and wall available (wood, stone and alloy), I’ve found out that there are 60 colours in total. I will put them like this:

St = Stone A = Alloy W = Wood Si = Sign D = Decor

The amount of colours in which category: St has 11 A has 8 W has 9 Si has 16 D had 16

If you want a specific colour please reply with a letter and then with a number, example: St9, W7, D1. Etc. And I’ll go specificly screenshot the request and reply to you with it!

submitted by /u/MeowlotNL
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