
NMS Q&A thread! Ask questions, provide answers or just submit a tip. We hope this helps our valu...

This post will be refreshed every few days. The old post are still available for answering questions in those post.

Below are a few popular questions that we’ve received from our past FAQ thread. As always we ask that everyone be respectful and we welcome everyone’s contribution so have fun!

Q- I’m keen to start a new passive money making pursuit. What are some good ideas or guides post-Waypoint?

A#1-Gold farm, then take that stack and sell it at a terminal (not traders) in systems that sell gold. Sell all your gold to the terminal and crash the economy. Then buy it all back at 80% off discount. You just got free money and keep all the gold. All this takes is an initial investment on a gold farm, then you carry all that gold with you and just sell/buy back when you get to another system that sells gold. With 50 stacks in my ship’s cargo hold, I can make somewhere around 150 million units in each system I do this in.

A#2-Start a Farm, Fusion Igniters or Statis Devices Farm which will increase your profits to 100- 200 mil fairly quickly and you can even send out multiple freighter missions which will help you get aronium, magno-gold, Enriched carbon and more which will increase the profits even more.

A#3-Quickest way I’ve found to make a TON of units: Harvesting Storm Crystals. Find a VERY hot planet that has frequent fire storms. DURING STORMS ONLY – you can see the bright white light from Storm Crystals if you fly around low enough. Fly to them, land, quickly harvest them, get back in your ship and fly to the next before you burn up. Q-Where can I post ships and other cool stuff that I want to share with the public? A-You can always post on this sub and now the NMSGlyphExchange is live! Q-How do I get the Advanced Mining Laser? I don’t have the option to craft one, and the multi-tool upgrade vendor at the space station doesn’t have the blueprint for sale.

A-In order to get it, you have to look for the blueprints in crashed ships or abandoned facilities. You get it from the main story (awakenings) or you can buy it on the anomaly.

Q-What do I actually do in the game? I finished the tutorial, is there anything else beside gathering stuff, building a base and repeat?

A#1-It’s really whatever you want, there’s a base story, (assuming you haven’t completed it already), follow the quest log and you’ll figure it out, but things You’d want to do for end game? You can collect multiple multitools, ships, built a fleet for your freighter, etc.

Q-Is there a planet that is populated by many players, and they built their base close to each others like a city?

A- Yeah its the Galactic Hub Project, Its a place where many people have bases and each day the numbers grow. Please help yourself. There are many factions in NMS that do this, even NMS Pirates Hub.

Q-I’m still pretty early into the game, just making my way to the center of the galaxy, what should I be spending my credits on?

A-Go hang around a outlaw/pirate trading post. Cheapest S-class start at around 8-8.5 million without a trade-in. I recommend Vikeen pirate, as then you have two good and 1 remote chances at high-maneuverability S-class: fighter, solar, exotic.

submitted by /u/liftheavy2003
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Welcome to the new daily Q&A thread for NMSTG! You can now drop a question, provide answers or j...

Below are a few popular questions that we’ve received from our past FAQ thread. As always we ask that everyone be respectful and we welcome everyone’s contribution so have fun!

Q- I’m keen to start a new passive money making pursuit. What are some good ideas or guides post-Waypoint?

A#1-Gold farm, then take that stack and sell it at a terminal (not traders) in systems that sell gold. Sell all your gold to the terminal and crash the economy. Then buy it all back at 80% off discount. You just got free money and keep all the gold. All this takes is an initial investment on a gold farm, then you carry all that gold with you and just sell/buy back when you get to another system that sells gold. With 50 stacks in my ship’s cargo hold, I can make somewhere around 150 million units in each system I do this in.

A#2-Start a Farm, Fusion Igniters or Statis Devices Farm which will increase your profits to 100- 200 mil fairly quickly and you can even send out multiple freighter missions which will help you get aronium, magno-gold, Enriched carbon and more which will increase the profits even more.

A#3-Quickest way I’ve found to make a TON of units: Harvesting Storm Crystals. Find a VERY hot planet that has frequent fire storms. DURING STORMS ONLY – you can see the bright white light from Storm Crystals if you fly around low enough. Fly to them, land, quickly harvest them, get back in your ship and fly to the next before you burn up.

Q-How do I get the Advanced Mining Laser? I don’t have the option to craft one, and the multi-tool upgrade vendor at the space station doesn’t have the blueprint for sale.

A-In order to get it, you have to look for the blueprints in crashed ships or abandoned facilities. You get it from the main story (awakenings) or you can buy it on the anomaly.

Q-What do I actually do in the game? I finished the tutorial, is there anything else beside gathering stuff, building a base and repeat?

A#1-It’s really whatever you want, there’s a base story, (assuming you haven’t completed it already), follow the quest log and you’ll figure it out, but things You’d want to do for end game? You can collect multiple multitools, ships, built a fleet for your freighter, etc.

Q-Is there a planet that is populated by many players, and they built their base close to each others like a city?

A- Yeah its the Galactic Hub Project, Its a place where many people have bases and each day the numbers grow. Please help yourself. There are many factions in NMS that do this, even NMS Pirates Hub.

Q-I’m still pretty early into the game, just making my way to the center of the galaxy, what should I be spending my credits on?

A-Go hang around a outlaw/pirate trading post. Cheapest S-class start at around 8-8.5 million without a trade-in. I recommend Vikeen pirate, as then you have two good and 1 remote chances at high-maneuverability S-class: fighter, solar, exotic.

submitted by /u/liftheavy2003
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Why is No Man's Sky Lore so goddamn depressing?

Alright for context: I’m now 20+ hours ingame. And so far i’ve gathered: The Korvax are not really individuals but also not really a hivemind. Then they got genocided by the Gek. The Gek are some greedy bastards and in turn got genocided by the Vy’keen. Who are fighting a perpetual war against war itself, which may be the worst, just leads to nothing except more war and suffering. Furthermore in the basic starting mission of building your base you meet: 1: an agrarian who is so disillusioned by the destruction of his species that the simplest of plants grant him satisfaction 2: an exo-craft technician who doomed his entire family to death 3: Your scientist who got disconnected from the convergence and has his memory reset multiple times

Why can’t I just meet a nice town or village of well-meaning Aliens or something like that? I love No Man’s Sky but it just feels so lonely 🙁

p.s. excuse my english it aint my first language, also I was drunk when I worte this

submitted by /u/Chromshvoss
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I Asked ChatGPT How Long it Would Take All of Humanity To Explore "No Man's Sky."

Do you know the game, no man’s sky?

Yes, “No Man’s Sky” is a well-known video game developed by the British studio Hello Games. It was first released in 2016 and is available on various platforms such as PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The game is famous for its massive, procedurally generated universe, which includes over 18 quintillion planets, each with its own unique environment, flora, and fauna.

The core gameplay involves exploration, survival, combat, and trading as players journey through the universe. Players can upgrade their ships, suits, and weapons as they discover different planets and interact with various alien species. The game was initially met with mixed reviews due to the lack of promised features, but it has since seen numerous updates and expansions that have significantly improved the experience and added new content, such as base building, multiplayer, and improved story elements.

As of my last update in April 2023, “No Man’s Sky” continues to be a game that evolves, with Hello Games regularly releasing updates to enhance the game and keep the community engaged.

how many stars in that game?

In “No Man’s Sky,” the number of stars corresponds with the number of planetary systems players can explore. The game is built around a procedural generation system that allows for over 18 quintillion planets, which means there are nearly as many stars since each star typically hosts at least one planet.

This near-infinite number of stars and planets is one of the most prominent features of the game, as it provides a practically unlimited space for exploration. The number is so large that players collectively have only discovered a small fraction of what the game has to offer, and it would take many lifetimes to visit every star system in the game personally.

The 18 quintillion figure comes from the 64-bit seeding algorithm used to procedurally generate the game’s universe. It’s a number that is often cited to give an idea of the scale of the game’s universe, even though it’s not expected that every single star or planet will be visited by players.

How long would it take one person (given they are immortal) to visit every star system in the game?

To estimate how long it would take one person to visit every star system in “No Man’s Sky,” we would need to make several assumptions. Let’s say for simplicity:

  • Each visit to a star system is very brief, just a flyby, taking about 1 minute on average (this is an extremely conservative estimate considering that even the fastest possible visit would likely take much longer due to loading times and the need to travel between stars).
  • The player is engaged in this task 24 hours a day, without taking any breaks.

Given these assumptions:

1 minute per star system × 18 quintillion star systems (18 × 10^18 star systems)

= 18 × 10^18 minutes

Now, let’s convert the total minutes to years, knowing there are 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, and 365 days in a year (ignoring leap years for simplicity):

18 × 10^18 minutes ÷ 60 minutes/hour ÷ 24 hours/day ÷ 365 days/year

= 18 × 10^18 ÷ (60 × 24 × 365)

≈ 18 × 10^18 ÷ 525,600

≈ 34.2 × 10^12 years

So, it would take approximately 34.2 trillion years for one immortal person to visit every star system in the game, assuming one minute per visit with no breaks. This time frame is several orders of magnitude longer than the current age of the universe, which is about 13.8 billion years.

What if the entirety of humanity were to participate and map each system, how long would it take to map every star system?

To estimate the time it would take for the entire human population to map every star system in “No Man’s Sky,” we’ll need to continue with the assumption that it takes about 1 minute to map each system. The current global population is approximately 8 billion people. For simplicity, we’ll use this number for our calculation.

Let’s continue from the previous calculation, where we determined that it would take approximately 34.2 trillion years for one person to visit each of the 18 quintillion star systems, provided they spent one minute per visit.

Now, we’ll divide that number by the current human population:

34.2 trillion years / 8 billion people = 4.275 million years per person

This is a rough estimate and assumes that every single person on the planet could and would dedicate their time to mapping star systems in “No Man’s Sky” non-stop, without accounting for the vast differences in access to technology, interest in participation, or any other logistical concerns.

In reality, the time it would take could be considerably longer due to many factors, including game mechanics that may limit how quickly star systems can be mapped, the fact that not everyone has the game or the necessary equipment to play it, and the reality that people would need to spend the vast majority of their time doing things other than playing the game.

It’s also worth noting that the actual gameplay mechanics of “No Man’s Sky” would not allow for such an organized and simultaneous mapping effort. There are in-game limitations to consider, such as travel time between stars, loading times, and the actual activities required to consider a system “mapped.” The process of discovery, documentation, and travel within the game is much more complex and time-consuming than a simple one-minute flyby would suggest.

submitted by /u/SaitekEvo
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What's better than a Paradise Planet? An Earthlike Bountiful Planet with gravity storms, that's what...

What's better than a Paradise Planet? An Earthlike Bountiful Planet with gravity storms, that's what.


I have discerned what I think is a sort of unwritten two-week rule in the NMS community. You get to sit on discoveries and play with them for two weeks, but after the honeymoon the brotastic nature of the NMS community requires that one bequeath one’s discoveries for all grah brahs to enjoy.

Guys, gals & nonbinary pals, I hereby introduce all y’all to what I think is my most significant NMS discovery, the planet Ebradin (even its original name is pretty sweet):


It’s just gorgeous. I’ve never seen dissonance blend so well into what would otherwise be an Earth-type paradise planet. The sky and water can get reddish, but otherwise the whole landscape is exactly what everyone is looking for. The lifeforms aren’t just abundant — every single one has character.

There’s the adorable hopping shroom cluster.


Maybe you’ve seen those before. But I’d never seen glowing fish that just fly around before Ebradin.


The landscape at night is stunningly beautiful. It’s like this everywhere.


“But oh no, storms!” you might say. Chill, anomalbroski. Ebradin would never harsh your NipNip buzz with dangerous storms. The storms on Ebradin are rather totally awesome.

Gravity storms! In exchange for a minor drag on your life support, you can jetpack hundreds (maybe thousands?) of units in the air with just a basic rig. Gravity storms mean you shoot into the air with minimal jetpacking, and on top of that you get a massive jetpack tank boost in a gravity storm, because of course you do.

Finally, the gravity storms make the planet insanely buggy. Portions of landscapes will lift off the ground and twist into themselves like a deranged MC Escher print. They will melt your brain and crash your PS5. Enjoy!


Ebradin is located in Euclid, so even novice travellerinos can hang ten on these gravity waves.

Thank you NMS community. Don’t say I never did anything nice for you.

submitted by /u/CultoSkippyasyermuni
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Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

This weekly thread is to help keep bug reports manageable. It is a scheduled weekly thread and not related to any specific release. You do not have to repost bugs to this post if you have already reported them on a previous post.

If you’re requested to send your save file to Hello Games see this post

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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