
Hear me out.

Dear HelloGames,

(Yes this is for you)

It is My personal belief that the game you have made is going Great places, Sure it could use some fine tuning and more food variety. And sure it has a fair number of glitches but I know For a fact that This game (No Man’s Sky) is one of if not The best games I’ve ever played.

Take your time with the updates (Don’t do a Bethesda). You don’t need to rush. And hey, from the community… We love y’all and your work.

Keep it up -Reaper2050

submitted by /u/Reaper2050
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Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

This weekly thread is to help keep bug reports manageable. It is a scheduled weekly thread and not related to any specific release. You do not have to repost bugs to this post if you have already reported them on a previous post.

If you’re requested to send your save file to Hello Games see this post

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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