
I invite you to Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Nannites Base...250,000 nannites per hour... a 77 ball tr...

I invite you to Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Nannites Base...250,000 nannites per hour... a 77 ball triple mold site connected by a teleporter loop respawns mold on a paradise planet....just 4000 LY from Euclid's core......I have many 25+ unclaimed mold site locations message me if you want to build

Over 40 bases already on the planet with many larger bases …..B-52 mold shack….rolling stones….STYX- mold Illusion…the who – moldball wizard and more….this paradise planet has no storms no bubbles no sentinals and no pirates….and being 4000LY from Euclid’s core its just one hop away….If you would like to build a base….I have many 25+ unclaimed mold sites…just message me if you want to claim one

submitted by /u/Illustrious-Gap86
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Just wanted to say, anybody who is a fan of the 65 Days of Static soundtrack on NMS should give the band Mogwai a listen. in particular, the album “As the love continues”, although, in my opinion, they are all awesome.

Anyone who just wants a pet Mogwai, should head to the Hilbert dimension, where I’m about to go build a shabby Chinese oddity shop.

submitted by /u/I__Zombie
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