I think going by Sean's recent interview on the PlayStation blog cast. The main feature of the MMO l...

So if you look up the wiki meaning of an MMO it will tell you that what sets it apart from just being an online game. Is that MMO games usually have an online player trading economy where players can trade things with each other.

So when Sean says in the interview that they had been watching recent player behaviour online. This was what gave me the idea for the MMO like element getting added to NMS.

With players getting gifted stasis devices and fusion igniters they have probably decided to add a proper online player trading system to the game.

We might get bigger player lobbies and player hubs as well but in think the online trading element is what the online feature will be based around.

Here’s the interview.


Also posted on cobra tv on YouTube if you can’t open the first link.

Watch “No Man’s Sky News and updates! New interview!” on YouTube https://youtu.be/B1wnBboTogI

submitted by /u/Scottishbanter
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