My first low orbit base (WIP)

My first low orbit base (WIP)

Following the advice and having watched Beeblebum’s video on building low orbit bases, I have managed to successfully start a build of such a base.

The limited time I had today, was mostly spent on building the tower from walls (using the wall / stairs method). The steps from the guide worked like a charm, and I managed to get a tiny base orbiting a dead planet (wanted a planet with no atmosphere).

Now I need to figure out what I want to build and plan it. For now my micro orbital looks like this (see attached screenshot).

submitted by /u/Gumochlon
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My now forever Home

My now forever Home

This build took me some hours to finish. Always on and off doing other things, especially due to the fact that the lighting in NMS isn’t the greatest and ive used about 120 lightsources to get the effect I wanted.

It is just a fancy house on top of a hill with a hanging research platform and a NipNip -Farm up top. Completely green of course.

submitted by /u/leo_btl
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My Greenhouse

My Greenhouse

This is my first Post, and my largest build in terms of baseparts. It reaches the exact limit to upload it to the servers. It features every plant needed to craft all the expensive recipes. I know it is not that pretty but 152 biodomes using roughly 12.000kp/s is very hard to package. Also my PS5 really reaches its limits when I visit :’)

submitted by /u/leo_btl
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Elden Shire

My mega base! I built this a while ago now and haven’t played for well over a year! Looking to get some Inspiration or ideas for another build? It Would be great if there was a bigger variety of structure types like marble or logs for cabins? 🤔 …

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I'm just gonna come out and say it. Star Bramble is by far the worst plant when it comes to stasis f...

So I did some calculating and in order to get one full stack of Star Bulb you need exactly 400 star bramble planted in order to get that. If you’re following the games rules and not glitch building at all you would need roughly 34 biodomes just for that, which if you’re familiar with those they take a LOT of time time harvest full when you’re going from one to another usually. Meanwhile all the rest of the basic plants give a full me around 2 full stacks off of just 12 biodomes for each.

I just wanted to point out how absurd that number is especially since poly Fibre take 200 star bulbs just for one or a harvest of 8 star bramble. So it’s a compounding issue of low yield and high usage. I think of both my saves the first and only hold up was the star bramble out of everything else.

Rant over discuss if you have a different view.

submitted by /u/DuffinTheMuffin
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