Hello Games need to add automatic doors back to prefab base parts

Metal doors on the basic prefabs require making a logic gate to function properly, and the alternative is using a more expensive (and frankly less cool) holo-door.

I don’t think the current door should be removed, as it allows for making some really cool stuff. But I think adding the automatic door that existed pre-beyond as a separate item would be a welcome addition.

submitted by /u/dubious_rat
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Today this game made me hate everything

I play on ps4(slim) And lately iv’e had such an extreme amount of crashes, I turned off multiplayer and I know that my save isnt corrupted, I have checked. The game has been having such a bad performance, especially during nexus missions. Im here to ask if anyone has been not only exeperiencing stuff like this, but also if you have any information about a patch hello games might be working towards to resolve these blatant performance issues, because right now the game is almost unplayable on ps4

submitted by /u/Maximum-Ad6654
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I think I'm a little invested in this game . . .

I’m playing this morning, cataloging animals, when I spot a Predator Diplo standing over two dead Grazer Diplos. Yeah I know, circle of life and all that; it didn’t stop me from killing the Predator anyway. Sometimes it just bothers me, maybe because the prey is often cute.

So three dead animals are sitting on the ice and snow and part of me thinks “I don’t like this, just leaving them out like this”. So through a combination of digging under them and Creating terrain over them, I effectively buried them.

I don’t think Hello Games ever thought about players doing that . . .

submitted by /u/Wombat21x
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続きを読む シェア

Please make it easier to select star ships aboard a space station. I'd suggest the following:

Hi, this has been a nuisance for me for such a long time. I kept hoping a future update would implement a system that would make the nuisance go away, but here we are, years later, and it’s still a terrible oversight. I have no idea if Hello Games reads this forum still, but if they do, please consider this!

Not having a system in place to select your active star ship while on board of a space station is a plainly bad design flaw. The game has many ways to obtain crashed ships now, through the Minotaur’s scanner, the Nautilon’s scanner or simply through the old communication towers. You can easily collect up to ten of them in, say, half an hour of playing. It’s really not that hard! I sometimes go on a hunt for downed ships, see if I can find anything cool, but usually end up with a bunch of ships that I’d like to see scrapped.

So, say you want to destroy said ships at the Starship Outfitting station inside a space station, you have to: drop your freighter in front of the station, board your freighter, hop in the ship you want to have destroyed, make sure its engines are fixed, get off your freighter, fly it over to the space station, destroy it, return to your other ship and repeat this for any other ship you’d like to turn in. And that’s if you’re lucky, because sometimes you can’t even board the ship on your freighter, because it’s not on display in your hangar. If that is the case you need to go to a planet, summon it, fix the engines and then fly back to the station.

I would really like to see an option on the Starship Outfitter station where I can select my active ship. This would be absolutely ideal for scrapping ships. However, if adding that option to that particular station is not an option for some reason, I firmly believe we need to be able to select our active ship somewhere else. Perhaps on the Station Core station in the back of the space station, the one where you can do an override or repair your standing. Or maybe Hello Games can implement another station somewhere.

Please do this, Hello Games! I implore you! Thank you for reading!

submitted by /u/LeBaiton
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続きを読む シェア

Please oh please Hello Games bring back planetary entry that looks like this!... 🙏

Please oh please Hello Games bring back planetary entry that looks like this!... 🙏

This is one of the things that I think Hello Games got right even from the start. But somehow I think either they removed, or made very rare. Planetary entry where the planet starts to look like a photo of the surface the more you descend into it, and up until you reach the ground and land it looks like that photo and doesn’t break the illusion. Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen do this so well. No Man’s Sky did it well too until they started adding that weird blue glow on the whole planet and completely white glowing clouds that appear when you enter the atmosphere even when you’re in the night portion. It doesn’t seem to make sense to me and it breaks the illusion. This video is from 6 years ago and I hope it’s not a case of “it wasn’t broke but we fixed it”. This is one of THE biggest selling points for a space game for me: the beauty of a planet being essentially a spherical photo of what you’re going to land on up to the point you make touchdown. Please Hello Games, since you’re so into improving the game indefinitely.. grant a space fanboy this wish.

Beautiful. Credit to original owner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZgedhq_iBg&list=PLhc7jupK0jnEaEE3gg809UbEAw0JTi4wU&index=14

submitted by /u/Procrastinator_23
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Half ramps are unplayable

I have to delete half my base to place my half ramp cause otherwise it will snap to literally everything else than where I want it but after I place my half ramp I can’t place back any of the parts of my base I deleted cause they will keep snapping to the half ramp over any of the other floor tiles I’ve placed. Hello Games please for the love of god improve snapping/rotation.

submitted by /u/gimme_ur_chocolate
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