Supergriefer Returns

Today was yet another day for the Unlaid Brigade to pop in and start blowing holes in me, despite my game being set to “no PVP.”

Same scenario as usual: I’m working on my base (Euclid galaxy, planet “Walkadj Beta,” near the “Ealpha Base” featured in the Anomaly) and suddenly a rookie griefer pops in and starts trying the “Neutron Cannon” trick. I wasn’t taking direct or splash damage, so I let him finish his tantrum till his mom called him to feed his pet rat or whatever.

The NEXT crotchsniffer, however, had an interesting trick. Suddenly I’m taking purple weapons fire inside my base, and NMS is yelping about “heat damage detected!” There was no one near me that I could see; it sounded like fire from a ship.

I have a series of teleports set up for just this lame situation; in a few seconds and six teleports later, I was nowhere NEAR where I was, and underground, to boot. No way could anyone track me without a search.


The entire time I was hopping from one teleport to another, the weapons fire was on me the whole time. So, of course, I croaked. (This has to be a mod they sell to those underloved dudes who think Hot Pockets is a food group.)

So be aware: whatever trick these attention-monkeys are using, it doesn’t require line of sight. Or any skill whatsoever. (I hope you enjoyed your lil stiffie when you punched my clock, Flubber.)

For the record, I was able to grab a screenshot of this giggling feminine hygeine product. Or his gamer tag, at least. To the surprise of no one, his actual handle is “NMS Griefer.” On Xbox, I think? His icon is in my pic. He spends a lotta time on Walkadj Beta, taking people out and pawing at himself, I’m assuming.

I blocked and reported, of course, but man– these mods gotta go. It takes a special kinda “lame” to be douchey enough to ruin such a chill game.


submitted by /u/PizzaRohz
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Some of us just want an exploration update...

I love this game and appreciate the countless updates and continued support NMS has received over the years, I really do, but part of me can’t help but be disappointed when a new patch drops and there’s nothing about exploration. Exploration is the heart of this game, it’s what drew most of us here. Yet it seems to have taken the back seat for many years. What happened?

I want new things to see, to do, and to find on planets. New plants, animals, and biomes. Mysteries to uncover, artifacts to find, rare encounters to look forward to. A reason to walk over the next mountainside and see if something special is there. A reason to wander. Some things like this have been added over the years, but not much, and it certainly has not been the priority.

Unfortunately at this point, I don’t think another exploration-focused update is going to happen. But here’s to voicing our hope for it.

submitted by /u/Zeppelin2k
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What were players doing before the NEXT update?!

I’m a new gamer (1 month now) and absolutely love it. Hands down one of the best games ever, imo. With the new Omega update, I decided to go read the last updates’ patch notes, and to my surprise I discover that practically 90% of the game I know today was actually only added in 2018 with the NEXT update! Even basic stuff like having a teleporter anywhere on a planet, doing space station missions and even ringed planets didn’t exist before.

My question is, to Day-1 players, what were you guys even doing for 2 whole years?! Did you just land on planets, scan and that was it? I mean, I guess I understand the whole backlash thing now if that’s what you guys could only do.

submitted by /u/Raio_24
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Anyone realize how unusual this update dropped?

No trailer yet, it released unannounced all at different times, no official patch notes even with the update being out now. It all just seems very off compared to how they have always dropped updates. Also 6 months for only an expedition is unheard of and I’ve been here since NEXT released for Xbox.

Since we don’t have official patch notes, I wonder if Sean is possibly hiding something either for tomorrow or whenever the Omega Expedition starts or ends.

I could just be getting my hopes up and this update really is just an Expedition and some other small stuff, but idk. It all just seems off to me.

submitted by /u/LogiBear2003
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Convince me I am wrong: with one important exception, grinding to get an S class freighter is a wast...

The important, totally legitimate, exception: you don’t want an S-class because you NEED a freighter that’s bigger, goes faster, goes farther, etc. You want an S-class because it feels good to have an S-class. You want to see the big orange “S” emblem when you open your freighter screen. That’s its own reward. This is a totally legitimate, understandable, applaudable reason to spend as many reloading saves as it takes to get exactly the right one. It’s your game, and you are having fun pursuing what you want.

For everyone else, who just want to use the freighter to play the rest of the game, although there are potential downsides of settling for a C or B, you save time in the end. Potential downsides and limitations: There could be a time when you cannot warp all the way to the next desired destination, so you have to jump twice. There could be times when you cannot store a stack of something because your freighter inventory is smaller, so you have to make two trips or something. Maybe a mission takes a few minutes longer?

The time and effort dealing with those inconveniences does not add up to the length of time and boring effort it takes to get an S-class if you’re not lucky.

submitted by /u/ericoahu
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Pay it forward

So when I first started playing nms I was gifted 10 fusion ignitor, last night while playing I finally was able to craft 10 and go to the space anomaly and find a new player and pay it forward. It felt good and I spent the next few minutes giving away other valuable stuff I had collected to new players. They were all very excited and it made me happy to know that nms has a large base of positive players who aren’t toxic.

submitted by /u/ChefBigD1337
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Super Griefer-- HOW??

Super Griefer-- HOW??

So I’m working inside my base on a paradise planet in Euclid, no environmental hazards whatsoever, it doesn’t even storm here– “Stone Pilot’s Temple,” just over the hill from the anomaly-featured “Ealpha Base.”

I hear someone jetpacking around outside, shooting at whatever these dudes like to shoot at. They have their “on-foot” indicator off, so it took me a second to focus on him through the wall and see his screen name, something like “NFS_Griefer” on PC. (I’m on a PS5, if that matters.)

I thought HA, joke’s on him, my settings were “no PVP,” so I wasn’t worried– knock yourself out, little guy. Grief this. I got back to working on my base.
Then the wall next to me is being hit by weapons fire from outside, sparks flying everywhere. This happens all the time, I just ignore them ‘till they get bored or their mom turns off the WiFi for the night.

Next thing I know– BAM, I’m dead, staring at Frank Herbert quote from Dune, alongside a message telling me I died of “heat damage.” With no PVP, inside my own base, behind a WALL. HHHOWWW did this lame bonehead take me out?


submitted by /u/PizzaRohz
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