General Gaming Communities vs No Man's Sky Community

First allow me to give you some brief background. I have been a gamer for longer than I’d like to admit. Let just say that I played Atari when it first came out, lol. I didn’t connect with any online communities until the Playstation 3 came along. I have also played on PC primarily once I was old enough and employed enough to buy my first gaming rig.

I have participated in some MMO games, I have moderated forums and I had my own forum and website at one time.

I got away from all that because I found that forums, message boards, social media groups etcetera.. can be extremely toxic and full of malevolent people.

I have a thick skin but I’m also a human with a heart. It can be difficult at times to shake off some of the things people do and say. So, I unplugged and went back to hermit mode game play.

Then one day I saw an advertisement for a game in development – No Man’s Sky. I followed the title for approximately 2 years before it released. I liked the sound of it. They originally designed it to have a very minimalistic multi player feature. You could possibly run into other players but we couldn’t interact. Well, that was just my speed.

Of course multiplayer has drastically evolved since then and that’s awesome for those who enjoy the full experience.

I still choose to keep “Public Multi player” turned off but I’m thrilled I am able to invite trusted friends to explore with me.

2016- No Man’s Sky hits the shelves. I bought two copies, PC & Playstation.

People had their tantrums and also legitimate complaints. I continued to play as I was 80% certain that the developers would restructure the game to accommodate the player base more. I am glad that came to fruition.

Recently, I decided to give some NMS Reddit communities a try. I have interacted with players via YouTube for quite a while and found the NMS players to be very helpful, welcoming and over all a friendly bunch.

I have not been disappointed with my Reddit NMS experience thus far. Yes, there’s plenty of dirt bags but that’s par for the course with any public community but overall, The No Man’s Sky Community as I said already, has proven to be primarily full of awesome, like minded people who have a passion to share their knowledge, creations and anything else the love about the game. I didn’t think an online community of this quality existed anywhere.

I’m very pleased I was proven wrong by many of you. Thank you to the good people for being you and forgive me at times for being me. Outside of the online environment I’m actually an easy going, friendly person. Online….well, sometimes my battle scars show. I treat good people very well. I treat dirt bags like dirt bags. I think there are times I should probably keep my comments to myself when responding to hecklers/trolls but it’s in my DNA to stand up for myself, my loved ones and friends.

It’s a positive attribute that certainly has some negative aspects to it as well. The trick is, I need to find a balance regarding that.

Anyway, enough said. Thanks again NMS travelers. ❤️ P. Wyatt

submitted by /u/eternal_Explorer16
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Why is No Man's Sky Lore so goddamn depressing?

Alright for context: I’m now 20+ hours ingame. And so far i’ve gathered: The Korvax are not really individuals but also not really a hivemind. Then they got genocided by the Gek. The Gek are some greedy bastards and in turn got genocided by the Vy’keen. Who are fighting a perpetual war against war itself, which may be the worst, just leads to nothing except more war and suffering. Furthermore in the basic starting mission of building your base you meet: 1: an agrarian who is so disillusioned by the destruction of his species that the simplest of plants grant him satisfaction 2: an exo-craft technician who doomed his entire family to death 3: Your scientist who got disconnected from the convergence and has his memory reset multiple times

Why can’t I just meet a nice town or village of well-meaning Aliens or something like that? I love No Man’s Sky but it just feels so lonely 🙁

p.s. excuse my english it aint my first language, also I was drunk when I worte this

submitted by /u/Chromshvoss
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