this update is really bizarre

No trailer, no website patch notes, no announcement. and the update itself barely has any content, especially lacking the expedition which ought to have come out at the same time as the update

Keep in mind, the previous three updates in a row have all had significance to the Atlantid storyline, and update 4 is meant to be the conclusion.

It feels as if this is some kind of prelude or (accidental?) first taste of a much larger update.

It’s very strange, very strange indeed.

submitted by /u/Pristine-Locksmith64
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Anyone realize how unusual this update dropped?

No trailer yet, it released unannounced all at different times, no official patch notes even with the update being out now. It all just seems very off compared to how they have always dropped updates. Also 6 months for only an expedition is unheard of and I’ve been here since NEXT released for Xbox.

Since we don’t have official patch notes, I wonder if Sean is possibly hiding something either for tomorrow or whenever the Omega Expedition starts or ends.

I could just be getting my hopes up and this update really is just an Expedition and some other small stuff, but idk. It all just seems off to me.

submitted by /u/LogiBear2003
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