
Anyone else think about how we treat sentinel interceptors compared to how we treat bioships?

Seems to me there is a heck of a double standard involved. Both types of ship are sentient beings in the lore of No Man’s Sky.

Yet, to obtain a bioship one must feed and nurture its consciousness into being, meeting its developing needs communicated to you through psychic song, and ultimately forming a bond with it as a parent to a child.

To obtain a sentinel ship, you must accost a disabled one that is hostile to the idea of being controlled, install an interface to transmit your control inputs to it, and then rip out its sentient brain and take it to a monolith to be brainwashed into becoming docile and obeying your commands.

I’m not judging, it’s just a video game. I just found the juxtaposition kind of hilarious.

submitted by /u/DragonZeku
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I (150hrs) am moving in with my boyfriend (15hrs), and we need some help

I’m obsessed with this game but I don’t usually play multi-player games so am a bit dumb. Now me and my boyfriend want to play together but we have some questions.

  1. What is the best way for him to meet me at my base, like how does he get there the first time? He doesn’t have all his glyphs unlocked yet (still far from it).

  2. How can he access the items in my storage containers?

  3. Can I gift him one of my ships?

submitted by /u/MrJimLiquorLahey
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