NMS HOT POST 2021/12/24

Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

This weekly thread is to help keep bug reports manageable. It is a scheduled weekly thread and not related to any specific release. You do not have to repost bugs to this post if you have already reported them on a previous post.

submitted by /u/spiper01
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Hello games should be incredibly proud of themselves!!!!

Let me start off by saying that when this game launched, I was on here pretty much wanting Shawns head on a plate lol, I felt very decived. The game was not at all what was promised.

I recently came back, and all I can say is WOW! This game is an absolute masterpiece. All the updates to correct a messy launch from an independent developer should make half of the triple A studios ashamed of themselves.

I’m not going to go on and on, but hats off to Mr. Murray for the dedication he put into this game, turning it around like no other game in history has.

This game is totally amazing!!!

submitted by /u/hammerhawker
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What Do I Do? (Etiquette Help Please)

I just started the game two days ago. No clue what I’m doing. I just made it to the place you can go to tp to community highlights. Anyway, so I’m in what appears to be to me as some actual other person’s star system (a community highlight base, it’s very nice!). Dude discovered it like 2 years ago per the discovery tab. Anyway, I’m exploring his digs, land at what I thought was another of his/her/their bases and the game starts telling me about a distress signal at what seems to be some sort of village and I’m needing to respond/react. Am I messing up this person’s system? How do I back out? I don’t want to trash one of his 5 planets with my noobie chaos….

submitted by /u/anyeharmnone
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When did the amount of frigates you can own change?

I have had this save for a couple years. The last time I played this save i remember selling a couple C class frigates to make more room for better ones. I recently started playing again and I picked up where i left off, buying frigates. But I was not able to buy any becouse the ”buy icon” wouldnt show up. Anyways I found out you can own a maximum of 30 frigates. I curently own 31 and I asume at some point I was up to 37. When did they change this?

submitted by /u/Daan-Bakbanaan
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