NMS HOT POST 2022/05/28

Expedition 7 too hard? Not your style? Read this.

Hello fellow travelers, I know many of you are frustrated with the difficulty this expedition has to offer, especially to those of us who never play a survival or perma death style mode but I believe this expedition is 100% doable to even the worst players and I would like to help if I can, so here's a guide I've put together to help you out along the way.

  1. First things first, Die. Yup, gotta die to complete the first phase anyways and might as well do it when you don't have anything to worry about.

  2. Now that you've died your anxiety about it can settle a little. Locate your ship and jump inside so your safe from the elements and creatures, and look at the entire expedition milestone log, all phases not just phase 1. There's a lot you can do before even leaving the planet and will be easier to do so earlier on vs later.

  3. Don't Panic. Easier said then done I know but there will be times when everything is going down at once. Hazard shields depleted, life support low, sentinels attacking because you tried defending from an aggressive creature. These are the moments that can break you, cause you to panic and make you spin in a circle rather than actually save your self. When in doubt, use the terrain manipulator to dig a whole and cover yourself up quick like. A Minecraft tactic that works beautifully in NMS. A hole will save you from the elements , creatures and sentinels and allow you to collect your self and make a plan

  4. Make a plan. Seriously plan everything, even down to how your going to collect the whispering egg. Don't just try and grab it and run when the horrors show up. Look at the slope it's on, how will it roll? Where's an escape path? Should I dig a hole first? A platform? Make a damn plan for everything. Even if it doesn't work out, having a plan allows you to adapt to unforseen situations and recover quickly.

  5. Take a break. Getting sweaty and tense? Save, shut it down and take a break for 5 minutes or so. The game will be there, it takes little time to load and coming in without high anxiety will make it so much easier.

  6. Buy materials for batteries, gels, fuels and anything else you need to quickly recharge your devices. Don't mess around with trying to find sodium to recharge your shields in the middle of a fight. Have batteries so you can just drop them in on the fly and recharge before ever taking damage.

  7. Don't spend units or nanites. This is super subjective but I was able to complete the expedition without purchasing a single upgrade, ship or weapon. The expedition will give you all the upgrades and tech you need say except for 1 or two you need to purchase with nanites which I believe are still optional.

  8. Keep your inventory as clear as possible. Put everything in your freighter and move that around the stars. Pirates are rampant in this expedition and they will be constantly after you for simple things like wiring looms, larval cores, whatever. They want it all.

  9. Be patient. I know, it's silly to say but it holds weight. There's no need to rush, rushing causes under planning, under planning causes more mishaps, mishaps cause panic, panic causes death.

  10. Crash that game! Haha, about to die? Literally watching all your work go to shit in a hand basket? Alt F4 or console command and shut the game down as fast as possible. Who care if you lose 15 minutes of progress, better then the whole thing am I right?

Well, that's all I got and I'm sure some of this, maybe even all of it, sounds like you've heard it before and you probably have but I truly believe keeping these tips in mind will help you maintain your focus and enjoy the expedition rather than dread it. Good Luck and happy Whaling.

submitted by /u/Forsaken-Thought
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


(Spolers about Artemis)

I was distraught when I found his grave, and especially distraught when I learned of his suffering. I wanted to end it, so I let him die forever inside the machine. The first thing I will get with quicksilver is his figure for my starship. Definitely m…

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What phase are you at in your NMS journey?

What phase are you at in your NMS journey?

I don’t mean, in the game, I’m talking about how you deal with the addiction.

It came to the Mac via Steam and I started off all excited, wide eyed and naive, rushing about, trying everything, following all the quests.

A bit of base building and side quest completionism and then…

I became a ship hunter, looking for S class Explorers of a certain shape and color, mostly for the flying.

Then i became a sentinel Interceptor hunter because they hover. Hanging about in the anomaly to ‘collect’ galaxies in case there were better Sentinels there. In the end I became obsessed with finding an all white flea tank, and three months later.. (along the way I discovered duping and save editing to try and cut down game time)

I have now become a Fighter collector, but they have to be white and have logos that match my freighter.

I’m trying to master glitch building so I can have a really nice base.

(I’m also growing stuff on my freighter, 3mu per harvest at the moment.)

Do I need to seek help? Or is it possible to put the game down at some point?

My latest disguise

submitted by /u/Dramatic_Ganache2575
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New Ship Perk Suggestions

Long ago, NMS only allowed players to own a single ship, making it a major decision on which ship type a traveler should go after. However, realizing this felt clunky, updates have been made over the years, ship slots increased, new tech modules, and new features added. This was a great call, but it did leave one mark: the distinctions between each ship didn’t matter anymore; Haulers don’t even have the benefit of additional cargo space, since all S-class ships can have the same total number of slots.

I was talking ship perks with someone, and it got me thinking that perhaps it would make sense to introduce new strengths to less used ship types. As I was mulling it over, I realized that some of these changes would have to be pretty potent to stand up to current-day standards — poor Shuttles, their only real signature is that their takeoff price is reduced, made obsolete by the auto-recharge modules. So I decided to spitball a few ideas trying to stay true to the ship’s purpose while taking 2024 NMS in mind, and see if the following suggestions are strong enough to make you think “oh yeah, I’d definitely want to own a [ship type].”


  1. 25% faster flight speed than others while in-atmosphere.
  2. 100% faster Pulse Drive speed.
  3. Takeoffs and landings are quicker and snappier.


  1. Cargo slots are double-sized, just like Freighters and storage containers.
  2. One storage augmentation slot unlocks two slots when used to unlock cargo slots.
  3. When the Teleport Receiver is installed, Hauler item teleport range is unlimited within the same star system.


  1. Increased chance of finding Space Encounters while pulsing. Alien Traders completely removed from encounter pool (Frequency 12 > 0). Odds of Rogue Black Hole and Relic Gate events tripled (Frequency 1 > 3).
  2. Eating food while in a ship refuels the ship’s hyper drive, pulse drive, launch thrusters, and damaged shields.


  1. Scanning one planet scans every planet in the system.
  2. Hyperdrive chain jumps. When setting a waypoint on the galactic map, can directly jump to that waypoint as long as the Explorer would have enough fuel to reach there, or up to 5 jumps (aka 5x listed hyperdrive range).

Let me know if these are along the right lines, and whether you’d fly one of these if they had these perks.

submitted by /u/Snoo61755
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Just a Quick Appreciation

While I struggle with anxiety so it is difficult for me to egg myself into the multiplayer scene in the game, I just have to applaud ALL of you guys. This is the most non-toxic gaming community I think I’ve ever seen and I have been a gamer for a goood…

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Too Many Low Difficulty Frigate Expeditions

I re-boarded my freighter after a lengthy reconnaissance mission and wanted to send my frigates out.

So, I visit The Navigator, and he gives me the list of expeditions (not Expeditions) and it’s all low star trips, three 2** and two 1*.

Would love to see more 3‘s, as well as any 4* and 5*****, which I’ve never seen. What’s up with that?

That’s all.

Gray, over and out.

submitted by /u/MJBjacket
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