
In what type of area did you place your main base? (Not talking about biomes)

In what type of area did you place your main base? (Not talking about biomes)

I zoomed out as far as I could.

Of course you can tell your biome, but this is about the type of area you put your base in. The questions below should clarify what I mean:

On an island far out in the ocean? On the shore? On a mountain? Deep underwater? In a cave? In a cave underwater? On the side of a volcano? In orbit? On your freighter? In a large tree (treehouse)?

I’m currently near the shore, next to a small lake and a larger one, between a bunch of natural bubbles, trees and bushes (some I planted myself), on bioluminescent grass. It’s a very idyllic and soothing place on a paradise planet and I love it. I’m totally alone, no Sentinels and not even land animals. But I plan to move to my own personal island soon, preferably with a pond in the middle (wish we could build our own ponds and lakes).

submitted by /u/SquareFroggo
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