Videos 2022/10/7

No Man’s Sky Waypoint (4.0) Update Trailer



I would like the exploration of abandoned buildings, space stations or freighters to be more related...

I would like the exploration of abandoned buildings, space stations or freighters to be more related to the elements of horror and danger.

It is the lack of such strong elements of horror that makes exploration very shallow in places. You can see an abandoned building in the distance.

What’s in there?

Why was it abandoned?

I would like to see shivers down my spine at such moments at the thought that there may be some unspeakable evil hiding there, just waiting for the stray Traveler.

This moment accompanied me for the first time when I docked to an abandoned space station and I was greeted by the red glow at the entrance. Flying into the darkness and fear of leaving the ship. It is a pity that apart from the atmosphere element, the station turned out to be completely empty and disappointing. Logs in abandoned buildings and terminals suggest that some dark things were happening to their authors, but we do not have a chance to find out about it ourselves in the game.

I hope Hello Games will develop this element more by drawing inspiration from various games like “Dead Space”, “Alien”, “Pitch Black” where the threat comes when the planet goes dark.

It’s not about just placing monsters that can kill us quickly, but maybe something like various anomalies, multidimensional creatures or things even using cheap “jumpscares” but catching the player by surprise and not able to be counteracted by a powerful character with a lot of suit upgrades.

submitted by /u/Shinucy
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Really loving this game

Really loving this game

I really hope the devs check this subreddit out. Cause man, I want them to know I’m loving this game. I wanted to try it when it first came out but heard it was in shambles. Waited quite a few years and played other games. Then got gamepass and seen No Man’s Sky and thought oh yeah! I always wanted to play it. Well now a couple months and 70 hours in I’m having so much fun. Great game for a mid 30’s dad to just sit down and play in the evening after kids are in bed. If I want to grind, I grind. If I want to just run around and explore, I’m in! Ran into this planet yesterday, never seen one like it so far in my travels. Rarely see the same thing twice.

submitted by /u/Jbroesky22
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Can we please get an option to turn off the "Entering new system" UI spam?

I’ve recently gotten this game to run on my PC again and though I’m once again loving the experience I’m already back to grinding my teeth over the UI spam that No Man’s Sky LOVES to do. Yes, it’s just holding one button to get rid of it. Yes, it’s for showing you information on the place you just joined. But it’s unbelievably annoying how it temporarily locks you out of certain controls when you’re trying to explore systems and doing frequent jumps, let alone having to deal with forced pirate encounters that already lock out your ability to pulse/warp/summon.

On the topic of UI spam, as someone who missed out on the second, third, and forth expansions, it’s also not fun to get a planet entrance message, then a planetary info message, then get an expedition complete all one after the other. No Man’s Sky is a wonderful game and it does a lot of things right but UI spam is not one of them. It would really be a nice little QOL change to allow us to disable it or make it far less intrusive.

submitted by /u/itwurd
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Is Chlorine farming not useful now?

I used to create tons of Chlorine with Oxygen in order to get rich in the game. Based on my research it’s been nerfed now. What are some other good ways to earn money now?

I read in another post that Sentinel Ship Scrapping is a good way, but I have no idea how to do that. I can’t even deal with sentinels when they attack me in space and I usually try to run to a space station when that happens (or usually die lol).

Any alternatives or an easy way to do that Sentinel Ship Scrapping?

submitted by /u/Odd-Independence-618
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Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

This weekly thread is to help keep bug reports manageable. It is a scheduled weekly thread and not related to any specific release. You do not have to repost bugs to this post if you have already reported them on a previous post.

If you’re requested to send your save file to Hello Games see this post

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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