NMS HOT POST 2022/11/9

Found a player base while looking for an exotic ship, and it made me wonder…can other players trap you permanently?

So I traveled via portal to a system that was known to have a rare exotic I was looking for, and one of the bases I teleported into had no power, and a door type that needed power to open, and no other exits. I couldn’t modify the terrain below me because I was inside the base when I teleported to it, but luckily the reactor was nearby so I refueled it and left. But it made me wonder….

If the player had put the reactor on the other side of the wall, outside the base, technically I would be trapped, because I couldn’t get outside to refuel the reactor.

It makes me wonder…could an unscrupulous player use this to “trap” and ruin someone’s game? With the new “auto save” feature my game inconveniently saved the moment I arrived in the base, so reloading would’ve just trapped me more.

This feels like a disaster waiting to happen. We need a true manual save back in this game.

submitted by /u/bs200000
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit



I've only hopped galaxies once. Does one to recollect glyphs?

A few years ago I finished a few of the storylines (I’m pretty sure that Atlas and I came to an agreement) and I ended up with all 16 glyphs then. I travelled to the 2nd galaxy, found my ship, then logged off. Haven’t been back to that save since. If I logged in would I have to get 16 new glyphs? Like, I think the symbols are all the same but would I have to collect them again?

submitted by /u/dotplaid
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